"Since he likes doxxing so much, I figured he wouldn't mind." -Leo Know/Know1/K1 Schizophrenic furry faggot. Creepily collects pics & info, and eventually doxxes his friends for fun. Believes he is a god, constantly talks about being stuck in his "human form". Believes the government is out to get him, doesn't leave his house without a mask and sunglasses. Contact Discord: know1#1738 (976104130290544640) Telegram: @KnowBeforeYouGo Twitter: @KnowWhat1Know Website: https://k1.rocks/ Personal Info Name: Jaxon "Jax" Collins DOB: 01/28/2007 (16 years old) Address: 47 Oak Terrace, Durham, CT (06422) https://www.google.com/maps/@41.4882267,-72.6797442,3a,75y,70.89h,83.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5RLEwq_IXKYCkow7wLFadg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Phone #: +1 802-487-0621 Father Name: Charles A. Collins DOB: 10/15/1969 Phone #: +1 860-349-9532 Mother Name: Karren E. Collins (formerly Williams) DOB: 12/14/1967 Phone #: +1 978-464-5578