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Title kiwzs dox
Reason for Dox: thinking shes hard
Name: Kiera
District: Greater London
Location: 52.6062,-1.0835
Area Code: 0116
Zip: LE1
City: Leicester
State: England
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GB] 
Continent: Europe (EU)
IP Address:
ISP: SKY UK Limited
Hostname: b0192a64.bb.sky.com
VPN: None
timezone name: Europe/London
connection type: Corporate
asn number: 5607
asn org: Sky UK Limited
asn: AS5607 - Sky UK Limited
currency code: GBP
currency name: Pound Sterling
Elevation: 58m
Usage Type: (ISP) Fixed Line ISP
Anonymous Proxy: No
Weather Station: Leicester (UKXX0079)
Olson Time Zone: Europe/London
Coordinates of City: 52.638600, -1.131690 (52°38'19"N   1°7'54"W)
Instagram: kiwz_lmao
Tiktok: kys.kiwz_
Snapchat: kiwzsimpz
Created by i3 virus