____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Title:killerpop89 doxed
Created:Aug 8th, 2024
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 157
Comments: 0
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
__ __ _______ ____ __ __ | | | |/ _____| \ | | ______ _______(__) | | | | / __| \| |/ __ |___ __| | | |__| | |___\ \ |\ | (__| |___/ /_| | \________/\_______/__| \___|\____/_|_______|__| ============================|Twitter.com/UG|======================= ---> Joshthegod > CyberZeist > MrOsama > Cosmo > s3rverexe > AlQaedaSec <--- "Fuck With The Best , Die Like The Rest" "Undoxable aye?" ============================================================================== #iheardyourundoxable #Dox #UGnazi #Cocksec #AlQaedaSec #killerpop89 #swat #hackforums ============================================================================== Backup: http://ugnazi.com/dumps/Killerpop89_Alex_Irvin_Dox.txt Family Pictures: http://www.sendspace.com/file/w4bu29 - you will find pictures of his mom him his sister and his dad. http://www.sendspace.com/file/5vz77t http://www.sendspace.com/file/s873eh http://www.sendspace.com/file/z7ei43 http://www.sendspace.com/file/xw0mg6 http://www.sendspace.com/file/v57jn7 http://www.sendspace.com/file/o4wsil http://www.sendspace.com/file/xk9bry http://www.sendspace.com/file/oxsksd http://www.sendspace.com/file/4uuwjw http://www.sendspace.com/file/6f1eke Name: Alex Irvin (Alexander Irvin) (Killerpop89) (Pavi) Age: 18 DOB: Aug 16th, 1993 SSN: 526-84-5977 Address: 3463 Flower St Gilbert, AZ 85298 Phone Numbers: 480-544-6079 480-988-3014 High School Attended: Basha High School Height: 6"2 My names KP YO http://i.imgur.com/DbxAW.jpg IM BLACK AND MEXICAN BUT IM A UGLY WHITE Jewish KID. HEHEHEHEHEEHE Emails: hjiod@tampabay.rr.com hjiod@aol.com hjiod@cox.net killerpop89@hotmail.com (Hacked By Us) killerpop89@gmail.com (Hacked By Us) killerpop2@aol.com (Hacked By Us) killerpop89@aol.com (Hacked By Us) techsavingonline@gmail.com thegodkillerpop@gmail.com Skype: Killerpop89 (Hacked By Us) Xbox Gamertags: Cody (Hacked By Us) Killerpop89 (Hacked By Us) Aims: Sophronize (Hacked By Us) Dox (Hacked By Us) F.ull (Hacked By Us) Pastebin: Proof of his address: http://gyazo.com/c05e91b0486beee56bb8816d0540661f Proof of illegal Activities: http://puu.sh/qVFI http://puu.sh/qVFQ http://puu.sh/qVFW http://puu.sh/qVGa http://puu.sh/qVGh http://puu.sh/qVGt http://puu.sh/qVGF http://puu.sh/qVGM http://puu.sh/qVGT Database Strings: nodus_users_2012_12_01.sql:INSERT INTO `mybb_users` VALUES(29434, 'killerpop90', 'bfebd5815bab2c56a08a5a1ec7d0cd91', 'HVIaaWaG', 'XbJkmFPuD34xpPLNJqGoKdjsbevEzOHa8JLWnOWBvPUht18cRX', 'blazetyler@gmail.com', 0, '', '', '', 2, '', 0, '', 1353030979, 1353180710, 1353031282, 0, '', '0', '', '', '', '', 'all', '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 'linear', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '10', 0, 2, '', '', 0, 0, 0, '0', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, '', '', 1152313688, 1152313688, '', 389, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 0); forumkorner_users.sql:INSERT INTO mybb_users (`uid`,`username`,`password`,`salt`,`loginkey`,`email`,`postnum`,`awards`,`avatar`,`avatardimensions`,`avatartype`,`usergroup`,`additionalgroups`,`displaygroup`,`usertitle`,`regdate`,`lastactive`,`lastvisit`,`lastpost`,`website`,`icq`,`aim`,`yahoo`,`msn`,`birthday`,`birthdayprivacy`,`signature`,`allownotices`,`hideemail`,`subscriptionmethod`,`invisible`,`receivepms`,`receivefrombuddy`,`pmnotice`,`pmnotify`,`threadmode`,`showsigs`,`showavatars`,`showquickreply`,`showredirect`,`ppp`,`tpp`,`daysprune`,`dateformat`,`timeformat`,`timezone`,`dst`,`dstcorrection`,`buddylist`,`ignorelist`,`style`,`away`,`awaydate`,`returndate`,`awayreason`,`pmfolders`,`notepad`,`referrer`,`referrals`,`reputation`,`regip`,`lastip`,`longregip`,`longlastip`,`language`,`timeonline`,`showcodebuttons`,`totalpms`,`unreadpms`,`warningpoints`,`moderateposts`,`moderationtime`,`suspendposting`,`suspensiontime`,`suspendsignature`,`suspendsigtime`,`coppauser`,`classicpostbit`,`loginattempts`,`failedlogin`,`usernotes`,`metagsis`,`adv_ratings`,`adv_thead`,`adv_tcat`,`adv_bg`,`adv_trow`,`views`,`newpoints_bankoffset`,`newpoints_bankbasetime`,`newpoints_items`,`passwordconvert`,`passwordconverttype`,`passwordconvertsalt`,`newpoints`,`usemobileversion`,`forcepwchange`,`myalerts_settings`) VALUES ('15180','Killerpop','abdbe037a3e7a2555cdc8708c4fddf22','Ep3OjeVw','','killerpop89Dox@gmail.com','3','0','./uploads/avatars/avatar_15180.jpg?dateline=1345161262','64|64','upload','7','','0','','1345159148','1345571699','1345571699','1345532235','','0','','','','6-9-1980','all','','1','0','0','0','1','0','2','0','linear','1','1','1','1','0','0','0','','','-8','0','2','','','35','0','0','0','','1**Inbox$%%$2**Sent Items$%%$3**Drafts$%%$4**Trash Can','','15145','0','-10','','','1136498413','-800312310','','4631','1','2','2','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','6','0','','0','','','','','','30','0.0000000000','0','',NULL,NULL,NULL,'0.00','1','1','{\"rep\":1,\"pm\":1,\"buddylist\":1,\"quoted\":1,\"post_threadauthor\":1}'); ViRuZ_MaFiA_db_dropped_by_The_Defaced.txt: ,(135, 'Killerpop89', '323345e86acb4824c1e7929bcc96bb87', 'mveZI8aZ', 'eLYG8uAqL8ztSgZmIhBj5aJfM9VvZTyO6qo28rM9o97twJUs1J', 'killerpop89@gmail.com', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, 1306557915, 1306621426, 1306614248, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'all', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 'linear', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, -7, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, '1**Inbox$%%$2**Sent Items$%%$3**Drafts$%%$4**Trash Can', NULL, 0, 0, 0, '', '', -954498743, -954498743, 'english', 6562, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0, NULL, 7, 0) HackForums_DB_2011_by_LulzSec.sql: ,(625955, 'killerpope', '06cf4da6c6a604386cae6171098a7222', 'woD4yWok', 'TRZArVpaE9wVg31XqRLw4DCsbBkRSXPgsBZcYBboZmAwLcsWz2', 'Killerpope35@yahoo.com', 0, 0, 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, 1294114101, 1294114598, 1294114101, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '17-9-1990', 'all', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 'linear', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, -8, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 416433763, 416433763, NULL, 497, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL) Killerpop's Shit From School: http://gyazo.com/b5e4a7f0e31981df1f8dccf94375d563 Now lets do some proving its him k? Well we all know the first aim he made was killerpop2@aol.com , which is made at his moms acc here is picture proof for that http://i.imgur.com/HKLxB.png , than we go his email where he ordered pizza http://i.imgur.com/FcZh2.png , we all know killerpop89@gmail.com is his email , its the one registered on his hackforums account and all. Now lets continue :) Now we have this http://i.imgur.com/BK6WY.png , it came from his teacher or whomever (vandeventer@cox.net), http://i.imgur.com/XIQJN.png :) , lets continue on again , heres a picture of him , removing his dads info from spokeo.com http://puu.sh/qUNR :) how cute. Heres a picture of him searching for his moms name in mylife.com http://puu.sh/qUOz , oh OH we know where he gets his dox's from , dont we now ! shhh everyone. http://puu.sh/qUR5 , Alex trying to remove a pastebin with his dads info in it http://puu.sh/qUR5 :) , so cute. heres a email http://puu.sh/qURQ , wheres hes admiting his name , age , and his cuzins name and age , and a story aoubt himself :). His sweet uncle Scott sending him a email about some religion crap http://puu.sh/qVod :) , LOL faggots a jew?! , heres to confrim its his dob , his sweet uncle scott wishing him , happy birthday http://puu.sh/qVpn :) , awww sooo cutee. This picture is just for the lulz lol http://puu.sh/qVro , http://puu.sh/qVsT Alex has been looking to fuck girls by lieing hes 21 , hot ect :( but he never includes pictures. http://puu.sh/qVtR , his itunes receipt from 2010 , proves once again thats his address. Last not but least for everyones lawlz , i hacked his sisters facebook and here you go http://puu.sh/qVK0 :) , also we have called Cox Com. and have verfied the owner of this ip , is owned by Roger Irvin. Alex you wanna tell us your not the faggot little white jewish kid eh? To Prove we have called in to his isp to check that is really his ip and that Michele irvin is his mother: Ip : Account number is 001-8501-144724202 User ID is mirvin1206. Router Mac Address: 0014E8B329A0 Address on file : 3463 Flower St Gilbert, AZ 85298 Phone number on file: 480-988-3014 If anyone wants to swat him , you will see , its really him , hes secured up his house up to the max with the cops , haha i wonder what feds are gonna do to him. with his record of shit ton of swats , how many years you think hes gonna get? His mom saying its him and his cuzin: http://puu.sh/qUg6 Lr Info : (ops took his 4lr haha) U mad brah? "MrOsama says lol thats alot for an hf kid" - 4lr YES!? Account number: U8520489 Your password: 2#&Iztm8xA Your login PIN: 14494 Your master key: 933 Security Question Highschool Name Answer Basha 89 Killerpop 23 Ip: Country Code State/Region US Arizona City Postal Code Gilbert 85295 ISP Area Code Cox Communications 480 Latitude Longitude 33.3202 -111.761 Sister: Name: Nicci Irvin ( Nicole Irvin ) Age: 19 Dob: 29 May 1992 SSN: 527-76-8284 Address: 3463 Flower St Gilbert, AZ 85298 Employers: Serrano's Mexican Restau Host · Queen Creek, Arizona University: Chandler–Gilbert Community College Nursing Secondary school: Basha High School School year 2010 · Chandler, Arizona Emails: snckrs1206@aol.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1148622391 Name: Michele Joan Irvin (Michele Joan Walter) Age: 49 DOB: May 2nd, 1962 SSN: 526-71-2932 Address: 3463 Flower St Gilbert, AZ 85298 Phone Numbers: 480-544-3396 480-988-3014 619-337-7636 936-447-9897 Emails: mirvin1206@aol.com (Hacked By Us) Picture proof: http://i.imgur.com/TVRhV.png Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1071734232 University: UNLV, ASU School year 1985 Secondary school: Sabino High School and Clark High School School year 1980 Pictures of her: https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/156764_1607417659960_1071734232_1662331_604780_a.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/36056_1530540338075_1071734232_1506607_2022704_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/63082_1521107102250_1071734232_1486447_390625_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/59286_1498421495124_1071734232_1437560_5555289_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/20963_1302980009209_1071734232_918772_115935_n.jpg 3463 E Flower St, Gilbert, AZ 85298 12/2011 59 Meadowridge Pl, Spring, TX 77381 01/2005 1417 N Brittany Ln, Gilbert, AZ 85233 02/1998 3785 Promontory St, San Diego, CA 92109 10/1987 160 Camino De Vida Apt A, Santa Barbara, CA 93111 10/1987 5715 Baltimore Dr Unit 69, La Mesa, CA 91942 574 Ballantyne St Apt 3, El Cajon, CA 92020 806 Coyote Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93108 1542 La Playa Ave Apt 4-202, San Diego, CA 92109 123 Brian Dr, Henderson, NV 89074 Moms card details: Billed To: MIrvin1206 Registration Date: 8/29/98 Next Bill Date: 4/28/12 Payment Method: Visa Credit ************4181 original: EXP:October 2013 Proof of Adress and Dob: http://i.imgur.com/8Qhlh.png Lol she had aol at december 2011 POOR white faggot: http://puu.sh/qTnd Name: Roger Dane Irvin Age: 53 Dob: 03/09/1959 SSN: 554-08-7166 Address: 3463 Flower St Gilbert, AZ 85298 Picture: http://i.imgur.com/kkwq5.jpg Phone Numbers: 619-337-7636 936-447-9897 Aim/Email RIRVIN4@aol.com Criminal Charges Picture: http://puu.sh/gU8g Crimail Charges: Court Record ID: 18192706 Arresting Agency: Court Disposition: DEFENSIVE DRIVING/DISM NO MVD Court Disposition Date: 02/06/2006 Source Name: Az Admin Office Of Courts Source State: AZ Charge Category: Source: Azaoc Offense Date: Unavailable Offense Code: Offense: Local charge Court Record ID: 19268704 Arresting Agency: Court Disposition: BAIL/DEPOSIT GIVEN/FORFEITED Court Disposition Date: 03/22/2006 Source Name: Az Admin Office Of Courts Source State: AZ Charge Category: Source: Azaoc Court Record ID: 7820844 Arresting Agency: Court Disposition: BAIL/DEPOSIT GIVEN/FORFEITED Court Disposition Date: 01/16/2001 Source Name: Az Admin Office Of Courts Source State: AZ Charge Category: Source: Azaoc Offense Date: Unavailable Offense Code: Offense: Local charge 3463 E Flower St, Gilbert, AZ 85298 12/2011 3745 Ingraham St, San Diego, CA 92109 07/1999 6372 E Lake Dr, San Diego, CA 92119 10/1979 806 Coyote Rd, Manteca, CA 95336 10/1979 1621 La Playa Ave Apt 1, San Diego, CA 92109 10/1979 5715 Baltimore Dr Unit 69, La Mesa, CA 91942 574 Ballantyne St Apt 3, El Cajon, CA 92020 59 Meadowridge Pl, Spring, TX 77381 4670 Muir Ave, San Diego, CA 92107 1417 N Brittany Ln, Gilbert, AZ 85233 Proof of dob: http://puu.sh/qTr5 Dads Xbox: Xbox 360 Pro Serial Number: 504531355006 Sister: Name: Marcia Ann Irvin ( Marcia Ann Leach ) Age: 32 Dob: 20 May 1979 SSN: 561-82-1295 Address: 3463 Flower St Gilbert, AZ 85298 Phone Numbers: 870-226-3115 619-283-7523 619-334-8097 870-226-2690 1369 N Ruby Rd, Maricopa, AZ 85139 11/2010 210 Lincoln St, Warren, AR 71671 06/2004 3775 Winona Ave, San Diego, CA 92105 06/1999 574 Ballantyne St Apt 23, El Cajon, CA 92020 12/1998 8573 Anlee Dr, Santee, CA 92071 03/1998 3463 E Flower St, Gilbert, AZ 85298 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marcia.leach Employers: Camelback Village Racquet & Health Club Secondary school: Grossmont High School School year 1997 Emails: mleach@vosymca.org mleach@dmbclubs.com Yahoo: sd_ghetto_byrd Cuzin: Name: Ashleigh Benedetto Age: 20 SSN: 526-49-1433 Address: 3470 Flower St Gilbert, AZ 85298 University: Chandler–Gilbert Community College Secondary school: Basha High School Chandler, Arizona Email: abenedettoiscool@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000097669687 Name: Kris Rene Walter ( Kristin Rene Benedetto ) Age: 46 Dob: 07/02/1965 SSN: 526-71-4712 Address: 3470 Flower St Gilbert, AZ 85298 Aim: kristinwalterbenedetto Email: ben03@cox.net Phone Numbers: 480.202.4129 (Cell Numb) 480-840-3227 480-264-4463 480-838-2124 480-275-6669 480-829-6305 480-967-2335 480-659-5376 3470 E Flower St, Gilbert, AZ 85298 02/2012 1522 E Constitution Dr, Chandler, AZ 85225 10/1998 3034 S Yucca, Mesa, AZ 85202 11/1997 1325 W Guadalupe Rd Apt 201, Mesa, AZ 85202 04/1986 850 S River Dr Unit 2010, Tempe, AZ 85281 04/1986 953 N Sicily Dr, Chandler, AZ 85226 830 W 5th St, Tempe, AZ 85281 Name: Scott Michael Benedetto Age: 49 Dob: 08/21/1962 SSN: 329-66-1743 Address: 3470 Flower St Gilbert, AZ 85298 Phone Numbers: 480-840-3227 480-264-4463 480-838-2124 480-699-5812 480-659-5376 480-699-1213 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1371034742 Email: sbenedetto@digital-tfg.com Digital The Fruth Group 4960 E Beverly Rd Phoenix Az 85044 Phone: 602 414-9600 Fax: 602 414-9910 3470 E Flower St, Gilbert, AZ 85298 02/2012 1522 E Constitution Dr, Chandler, AZ 85225 10/1998 3034 S Yucca, Mesa, AZ 85202 06/1994 850 S River Dr Unit 2010, Tempe, AZ 85281 01/1992 7777 E Main St Unit 140, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 09/1985 3481 E Vernon St, Gilbert, AZ 85298 6752 N 79th, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 Name: Anthony Benedetto Age: 15 Dob: 22 February 1996 SSN: 526-98-8324 Address: 3470 Flower St Gilbert, AZ 85298 Email: abfootball10@hotmail.com About Anthony: parents: Kristin and Scott siblings: Ashiegh and Andrew Name: Joan G Walter Age: 73 Dob: 11/28/1938 SSN: 527-27-8512 Address: 4476 Carob Dr Gilbert, AZ 85298 Phone Numbers: 480-988-2225 936-447-9897 936-273-0329 303-404-2282 303-410-6811 480-264-4463 480-838-2124 480-659-9502 480-659-9503 Name: Michael Walters Age: 72 Dob: 11/17/1939 SSN: 527-95-2888 Address: 360 Paseo Chico Green Valley, AZ 85614 Phone Numbers: 702-395-6120 360 S Paseo Chico, Green Valley, AZ 85614 01/2000 Po Box 116, Green Valley, AZ 85622 08/1997 805 Cliff Dr Apt 4, Santa Barbara, CA 93109 01/1980 123 Brian Dr, Henderson, NV 89074 01/1980 3341 Winery Rd, Pahrump, NV 89048 01/1980 741 Bourbon St Apt E2, Pahrump, NV 89048 5601 Segolilly Cir, Las Vegas, NV 89130 1509 N Paseo La Tinaja, Green Valley, AZ 85614 2663 S Decatur Blvd Apt 1081, Las Vegas, NV 89102 1552 N Paseo La Tinaja, Green Valley, AZ 85614 Name: George R Bellar Age: 106 SSN: 601-42-5319 Address: 953 Sicily Dr Chandler, AZ 85226 Phone Numbers: 480-275-6669 953 N Sicily Dr, Chandler, AZ 85226 12/1995 1417 N Brittany Ln, Gilbert, AZ 85233 08/1995 101 S Yucca St Unit 293, Chandler, AZ 85224 08/1993 1502 W Comstock Dr, Chandler, AZ 85224 Name: Daniel Scott (Daniel Irvin) Age: 54 Dob: 9/1957 SSN: 292-56-2122 Address: 1552 Acheson St San Diego, CA 92111 Phone Numbers: 858-598-5771 619-334-6681 619-445-3870 619-749-7963 619-334-9046 619-749-1246 1552 Acheson St, San Diego, CA 92111 02/2012 1539 Tavern Rd Apt 34, Alpine, CA 91901 03/1999 321 Patrick Dr, El Cajon, CA 92019 10/1991 1423 Graves Ave Apt, El Cajon, CA 92021 10/1985 Po Box Cb, Lemon Grove, CA 91946 10/1985 574 Ballantyne St Apt 9, El Cajon, CA 92020 13450 Highway 8 Business Spc 63, Lakeside, CA 92040 8827 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA 91942 1440 Olivewood Ln Apt 114, Alpine, CA 91901 13450 8 Hwy # 63, Lakeside, CA 92040 1513 Tavern Rd, Alpine, CA 91901 12553 Mapleview St Apt 1, Lakeside, CA 92040 12553 Mapleview St Apt 13, Lakeside, CA 92040 12001 Woodside Ave Apt 9, Lakeside, CA 92040 9413 Winter Gardens Blvd Apt 5, Lakeside, CA 92040 Name: Kelly H Walter Age: 60 Dob: 12/4/1951 SSN: 526-51-2712 Address: 664 Avenida Tortuga Green Valley, AZ 85614 Phone Numbers: 856-393-1265 702-395-6120 520-393-1265 664 N Avenida Tortuga, Green Valley, AZ 85614 06/2011 3341 Winery Rd, Pahrump, NV 89048 08/1986 741 Bourbon St Apt E2, Pahrump, NV 89048 08/1986 1552 N Paseo La Tinaja, Green Valley, AZ 85614 664 N Avenida Tortuga, Pima County, AZ 360 S Paseo Chico, Green Valley, AZ 85614 Po Box 116, Green Valley, AZ 85622 123 Brian Dr, Henderson, NV 89074 5601 Segolilly Cir, Las Vegas, NV 89130 7640 Raven Hills Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89149 Name: Albert N Walter Age: 100 Dob: 05/30/1911 SSN: 530-64-0859 Address: 123 Brian Dr Henderson, NV 89074 Phone Numbers: 702-395-6120 123 Brian Dr, Henderson, NV 89074 12/1992 5601 Segolilly Cir, Las Vegas, NV 89130 01/1992 4165 E La Cienega Dr, Tucson, AZ 85712 12/1991 8257 Abercrombe Way, Las Vegas, NV 89145 08/1990 4163 E La Cienega Dr, Tucson, AZ 85712 06/1989 904 S Plumer Ave, Tucson, AZ 85719 06/1984 960 N Gilbert Rd Apt 229, Gilbert, AZ 85234 Po Box 1129, Cortaro, AZ 85652 35 W Brozen Rd 150, Mesa, AZ 85201 35 W Brown Rd, Mesa, AZ 85201 1060 N Swan Rd Apt 201, Tucson, AZ 85711 35 W Brozen Rd 150, Mesa, AZ 85201 479 S Paseo Madera Unit A, Green Valley, AZ 85614 Name: Debra D Walter Age: 58 Dob: 07/28/1953 SSN: 526-49-3371 Address: 3174 Dakota St Tucson, AZ 85746 Phone Numbers: 520-883-1596 Name: Thomas B Walter Age: 58 Dob: 10/18/1953 SSN: 527-72-4990 Address: 3174 Dakota St Tucson, AZ 85746 Phone Numbers: 520-883-1596 3174 W Dakota St # 75, Tucson, AZ 85746 01/2012 4850 S Park Ave, Tucson, AZ 85714 Name: Amy L Bratsch Age: 43 SSN: 452-19-7095 Address: 43 York Gate Ct Spring, TX 77382 Phone Numbers: 936-321-3924 480-821-5630 480-264-4463 480-838-2124 43 N York Gate Ct, Spring, TX 77382 02/2012 43 N York Gate Ct, Conroe, TX 77382 03/2008 1502 W Comstock Dr, Chandler, AZ 85224 09/1993 2100 W Lemon Tree Pl Unit 82, Chandler, AZ 85224 1522 E Constitution Dr, Chandler, AZ 85225 1825 W Ray Rd Apt, Chandler, AZ 85224 Name: Jacqueline S Scartozzi Age: 48 Dob: 04/03/1964 SSN : 526-63-1191 Address: 18531 Pheasant Run Rd Queen Creek, AZ 85142 Phone Numbers: 480-840-6490 480-545-4645 650-477-2540 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000285766315 University: Mesa CC Mesa, Arizona Secondary school: Ed W. Clark High School School year 1982 Email: jscartozzi@aol.com 18531 E Pheasant Run Rd, Queen Creek, AZ 85142 09/2011 18587 E Pheasant Run Rd, Queen Creek, AZ 85142 10/2010 1355 W Park Ave Apt AVE, Gilbert, AZ 85233 07/2008 1355 W Park Ave # W2, Gilbert, AZ 85233 06/2007 2249 W Fairmont Dr, Tempe, AZ 85282 04/1997 1502 W Comstock Dr, Chandler, AZ 85224 09/1993 707 Bounty Dr Apt 101W, Foster City, CA 94404 1993 188 Rock Harbor Ln, Foster City, CA 94404 05/1990 7849 S 27th Way, Phoenix, AZ 85042 1355 W 2 Park Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85233 1355 W 2 Park, Gilbert, AZ 85233 Name: Amy Sue Wirick Age: 48 Dob: 08/19/1963 SSN: 292-56-2122 Address: 14900 Wolfe Bennett Rd Nelsonville, OH 45764 Phone Numbers: 740-753-4542 740-753-7290 740-753-2551 740-767-7751 14900 Wolfe Bennett Rd, Nelsonville, OH 45764 12/2009 41832 Hawks St Apt 126, Carbon Hill, OH 43111 07/2009 915 High St, Nelsonville, OH 45764 11/2008 41754 Prospect St, Carbon Hill, OH 43111 41832 Hawk, Ward Twp, OH 43111 Po Box 126, Carbon Hill, OH 43111 Po Box 117, Carbon Hill, OH 43111 Rr 1 Apt, Wayne, WV 25570 Po Box 170, Buchtel, OH 45716 11 Morgan St, Glouster, OH 45732 43272 Carbon Hill Buchtel Rd, Nelsonville, OH 45764 Name: Anna L Walter Age: 95 Dob: 03/15/1917 SSN: 526-12-3223 Address: 3174 Dakota St Tucson, AZ 85746 Phone Numbers: 520-883-1596 480-461-0602 702-395-6120 3174 W Dakota St, Tucson, AZ 85746 02/2012 479 S Paseo Madera Unit A, Green Valley, AZ 85614 08/1997 1295 N Ash St, Gilbert, AZ 85233 03/1996 960 N Gilbert Rd Apt 128, Gilbert, AZ 85234 07/1995 123 Brian Dr, Henderson, NV 89074 11/1992 5601 Segolilly Cir, Las Vegas, NV 89130 07/1991 1060 N Swan Rd Apt, Tucson, AZ 85711 05/1984 35 W Brown Rd Apt 150, Mesa, AZ 85201 8257 Abercrombe Way, Las Vegas, NV 89145 35 W Brozen Rd # 150, Mesa, AZ 85201 Name: Joey Benedetto Age: 21 Dob: 7/11/1990 SSN: 327-54-5647 Address: 7700 Lakeside Dr Frankfort, IL 60423 Phone Numbers: 815-469-8437 Name: John J Benedetto Age: 51 Dob: 10/5/1960 SSN: 321-22-3233 Address: 3612 Woodside Ave Brookfield, IL 60513 Phone Numbers: 708-485-2743 877-614-9072 815-469-8437 708-614-9999 708-598-0858 708-614-9072 708-634-3086 708-634-2818 3612 Woodside Ave, Brookfield, IL 60513 01/2012 17445 68th Ct, Tinley Park, IL 60477 06/2003 9700 Nottingham Ave, Chicago Ridge, IL 60415 10/1986 6441 102nd Pl, Chicago Ridge, IL 60415 10/1978 3012 Emmaus Ave, Zion, IL 60099 17445 68th Ct, Tinly Pk, IL 60477 7700 W Lakeside Dr, Frankfort, IL 60423 17445 S 168th Ct, Tinley Park, IL 60477 9256 Austin Ave, Oak Lawn, IL 60453 Name: Nicole Benedetto Age: 19 Dob: 06/16/1992 SSN: 330-18-6448 Address: 7700 Lakeside Dr Frankfort, IL 60423 Phone Numbers: 815-469-8437 708-614-9072 17445 68th Ct, Tinley Park, IL 60477 7700 W Lakeside Dr, Frankfort, IL 60423 Name: Colleen R Haney Age: 48 Dob: 07/12/1963 SSN: 340-10-0935 Address: 3612 Woodside Ave Brookfield, IL 60513 Phone Numbers: 708-485-2743 708-598-4617 708-598-9999 708-395-5331 708-598-0858 3612 Woodside Ave, Brookfield, IL 60513 04/2010 3012 Emmaus Ave, Zion, IL 60099 2004 9256 Austin Ave, Oak Lawn, IL 60453 01/1998 4833 N Sunrise Ln, Norridge, IL 60706 02/1992 1900 W Ainslie St Fl, Chicago, IL 60640 11/1985 9256 Austin Ave, Oak Lwn, IL 60453 Name: Kimberly A Juris Age: 50 Dob: 10/3/1961 SSN: 340-22-4395 Address: 7700 Lakeside Dr Frankfort, IL 60423 Phone Numbers: 815-469-8437 877-614-9072 708-614-9072 7700 W Lakeside Dr, Frankfort, IL 60423 03/2010 17445 68th Ct, Tinley Park, IL 60477 2004 9700 Nottingham Ave Apt 2E, Chicago Ridge, IL 60415 10/1978 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now for some lulz , heres a email he wrote to starcastings or someshit. " My name is Alex Irvin. Age:17 Victim: Ashleigh Bennedetto, Age 19 Location: Arizona, Gilbert, 85298, 3463 E. Flower Street Reason why you should pick me: When I was little I was picked on a lot beaten up everyday and people took advantage of me. So one day I join a gang called Gangster Disciples. I fought back and joined a MMA/UFC thing called Rage in the cage I been fighting on the street and in the cage. Well my life went down I started to do drugs and going in and out jail. Well when I got recently I become depressed and started to watch scare tactics. Well it made me feel better and I don't know why. Thank you Tracy Morgan for making the show. My cousin Ashleigh gets scared easy but, she treats here life likes it's a party I want here to know what one day of my feels like. Don't get me wrong I love to party. It's just no one understands my struggle. I want my cousin to understand the fear of having death stand over you like it want you to wait for death. She treats me fine but, she's gets at me sometimes which makes me more depressed. So I ask please Tracy Morgan prank here for me so I can laugh for a first time in a long time. Thanks for your time please I ask of this one thing. If you can do this for maybe it can help me change somethings in my life. Thank you again. Sincerely, Alex Irvin Sent from my iPod" "When I was little I was picked on a lot beaten up everyday and people took advantage of me." He got Rape'd By black dicks when he was 13 :( , so he join a gang called Gangster Disciples and learn't how to speak in the ways of the nigger. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now heres a convo with Killerpop89(Alex Irvin)<killerpop89@gmail.com> & Jesse LaBrocca <jesse@mghz.com> " You are being sent a contact from Killerpop89 Message:I don't understand so now we get PERM banned for asking questions??? The member is Killerpop89. Their contact info provided is killerpop89@gmail.com . Sent from IP Address: Forwarded conversation Subject: Re: Registration Problem ------------------------ From: Jesse LaBrocca <jesse@mghz.com> Date: Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 7:49 PM To: killerpop89@gmail.com No you get perma banned for being a person who commits crimes and involves HF or me personally. You realize by telling me you swat that I was forced to make a report to the FBI. You are no longer allowed on my website. This isn't a game. This isn't funny. You are not welcome on my site any longer. On Sat, 08 Oct 2011 16:33:37 -0700, Hack Forums <webmaster@hackforums.net> wrote: You are being sent a contact from Killerpop89 Message:I don't understand so now we get PERM banned for asking questions??? The member is Killerpop89. Their contact info provided is killerpop89@gmail.com . Sent from IP Address: ---------- From: GD FOlk <killerpop89@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 8:56 PM To: jesse@mghz.com On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jesse LaBrocca <jesse@mghz.com> wrote: No you get perma banned for being a person who commits crimes and involves HF or me personally. You realize by telling me you swat that I was forced to make a report to the FBI. You are no longer allowed on my website. This isn't a game. This isn't funny. You are not welcome on my site any longer. Ok wait I never said I commit any crimes??? I asked if I go do a service you said no? So then I asked what about out of HF ? You didn't tell me no you just went ahead and banned me ? I was asking if I could do those services not that I am ??? I never said I've swatted before. I 've never said I've commited crimes? You just went ahead and banned me? I even took my time and asked you first if it was ---------- From: Jesse LaBrocca <jesse@mghz.com> Date: Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 9:21 PM To: GD FOlk <killerpop89@gmail.com> You're no longer welcome on HF. You're the type of criminal element I'm trying to eliminate from HF. You're scum. Eventually you'll be arrested. Hopefully the information I'm sending to the FBI will help them. Enjoy. ---------- From: GD FOlk <killerpop89@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 9:27 PM To: jesse@mghz.com What have I done nothing? I haven't commit any crimes or done anything wrong on HF? I don;t threaten users.. I dont hack users? I've done nothing but, help the community... Your trying to turn me into the feds when I helped protect you and your kids do you know how many kids tried to swat you? I didn;t let them because I deeply like Hackforums. I've done nothing but, ask you a question then you go way out of line? I have not done anything illegal? hack forums is like the only thing I got left and your taking that away from me because I asked you a question? I think that you would understand of all people because you got kids to? So your trying to get me arrested for nothing that I did so I can't see my kids again? Wow omni if the feds do come they got nothing on me because I;ve done nothing right. Now I see your true colors. You ban all the HQ members that help the community but, keep all the people that are trying to destroy HF that not's right. ---------- From: Jesse LaBrocca <jesse@mghz.com> Date: Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 9:44 PM To: GD FOlk <killerpop89@gmail.com> You put me into this position. You've included me personally by sending me a private message with implicit plans to swat people. I've read the PM again. It's clear you planned to swat people. It would be irresponsible of me to allow you back on HF. And I can't be swatted anymore. The local cops know me now and call me personally before arriving. They know I get swatted by assholes and immature kids. You've fucking pissed me off pretty badly. You really gotta go away. I don't give a fucking shit about what you say. Fuck off. I mean that in the worst possible way. ---------- From: GD FOlk <killerpop89@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 10:02 PM To: jesse@mghz.com Really ? you serious ? I been protecting you and your wife and kids I when I message you that one time about swatting I was saying I was going to swat the kids that swatted you ? read the message Ive been protecting you guys and heres proof below. I am the best doxer anywhere and when people need someones info they come to me. I got proof of people messaging me asking for your info. I had your info and told them they had the wrong info. Ask around on HF people well say when someone said something wrong about HF I took care of them. I made sure HF was safe for other users I made it so all LQ people were off. I helped the community and you can't say I didn't Proof I have your info below Sharon Mae Labrocca(Brown), 41, 2/3/1970, 718-232-7329(disconnected) - 718-462-2163 ( Disconnected ) 718-462-5543 working 6924 Homing Pigeon Pl, North Las Vegas, NV 89084-2659 Jesse Labrocca, 41, 8/18/1970, 718-232-7329( Disconnected), 7029519269 ( disconnected ) 6924 Homing Pigeon Pl, North Las Vegas, NV 89084-2659 Robert F Labrocca, 53, 8/21/1958, 952-771-7926, 631-673-6364, 631-827-3799, 631-786-1980 153 W 19th St, Huntington Station, NY 11746-2117 Wifes realtives Ingrid M Brown Myrna R Brown Stanford J Brown SR Taura A Brown Your realitives Anthony Thomas Labrocca Ariana Gayle Labrocca Loni Gianna Labrocca If you want more info just tell me but, all I am saying I've been protecting you for a year without your knowledge. I sent you PM's before asking if you were ok and if you need help ? When that one user shelled the site what did I do ? I got all his info and gave it to you so you could take care of it? What happened when you got swatted ? I gave you the info of the people who did it ? what happened when those people on that other hacking site posted your address? I told you about and and I hacked their site and deleted it ? I;ve been protecting you and you just throw me away like it was for nothing. ---------- From: Jesse LaBrocca <jesse@mghz.com> Date: Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 11:57 PM To: killerpop89@gmail.com For all I know you're an FBI agent trying to trap me. Do you realize your shit can get me arrested. Fuck off. Fuck off. I'm serious. Fuck off. I will NOT GO TO JAIL FOR YOU. You think this is some game? You think this shit isn't serious? FUCK OFF. On Sat, 08 Oct 2011 20:09:17 -0700, Hack Forums <webmaster@hackforums.net> wrote: You are being sent a contact from Killerpop89 Message:Look I do nothing but Help HF don;t believe me look at this. More then 70% of the HF users love me and respect me because I do nothing but help the HF community you think If I was swatting I would have people that cared about me? Users are making theard for me and changing their name to Killerpop89 ( Something ) also they are putting R.I.P Killerpop89 in their signature. http://gyazo.com/de3de784b7ecc7945010fdc99e548aeb.png http://gyazo.com/ffeed600df79d5a01e6eeb94c284f348 http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/2161/captureom.jpg http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/9276/juoh.jpg http://gyazo.com/17ba2dbf1ed03a881010d693e183b7fb The member is Killerpop89. Their contact info provided is killerpop89@gmail.com . Sent from IP Address: ---------- From: GD FOlk <killerpop89@gmail.com> Date: Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 12:56 AM To: jesse@mghz.com Wait you think I am a FBI agent? The biggest hacker on XBL a FBI agent like really omni? Also How would you get in trouble if you had nothing to do with this? Also I heard you rep fucked me ? I have like 3000+ fans boys and girls on your site. The only thing keeping them from hitting the site is me. Now Omni I am trying to be polite and nice. I am telling you know don't piss me off please. I am well known for doing some impossible unbelievable stuff on the computer. Ever watch the movie HACKERS ? Ya I can do that kind of stuff like that and more. Don't believe me ? Ask around on HF what happen to two kids LNO Boxer and VM Kattien. Well after they pissed me off and talked crap about my dead mother the next day they disappeared. Now what I am saying is you need to calm down and talk this out with me ok? I am a chill person and a well listener. "