
father's name: Muhaiman Ali Behbehani

mother's name : ???

address: salwa , block-1  street-1   villa -31  ,,,beside the british school kuwait

education: University of London Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine 

picture of him obtained from his snapchat : https://imgur.com/a/Pu1IlsF

xmpp:loadman@xmpp.jp   gupi66@xmpp.jp   killer25612082@xmpp.jp

hackforums id: loadman


old aliases: killer on darkode. could not get more information

charges that should be placed on him : alleged involvement in a wide-ranging racketeering enterprise and scheme that installed, without authorization, malicious software on victims computer
 The software was used to capture bank account numbers, passwords, personal identification numbers, and other information necessary to log into online banking accounts. he is also alleged to be 
working with the gandcrab ransomware coders,, his partner is still unknown to me, but i suspect he was also involved in APT campagins unsure..

consequences of his acts could result upto lifetime in prison

some proof posted by him on a russian board of his bots- https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=wRGQ_1546343407

i hope he gets arrested after this,, already submitted a tip to the fbi,,,