This dox was requested by my 10 year old cousin.
Reason: Okay it is a long story some kid using held my cousin offline for like a fucking hour (big skid), so he pulled their ips
and got me in their party. These kids tried to dox my VPN because they are fucking retards and can't do shit as they are harmless.
These kids are hitting random people offline on roblox for no reason, huge fucking losers. Imagine being so lonely you hit a 10 year old
offline fucking reject. Fuck this skid.

Port: 1024
Country: United Kingdom, England.
Region: EU
City: London
ISP: Vodafone
Estimated addresses (one is right others arent):
113 Windsor Court 249 Windsor Street BIRMINGHAM B7 4NG
11/3 164 Helenvale Street GLASGOW G31 4LZ
Flat 113 Tudor Studios 164 Tudor Road LEICESTER LE3 5HU
His friends school: Holte Secondary School
Schools number:  0121 566 4370
School type: Community school
Local authority: Birmingham City Council
School address:  Wheeler St, Lozells, Birmingham B19 2EP

Let this be a lesson to randoms who hit 10 year olds offline. What fucking type of person boots a little child that literally has a fucking
bed time and is not even in secondary school, (high school for you americans). Fucking neek, this is what you get you harmless skid.