Hello and welcome to the takedown and dox of "bigthikcok", also known as Jimmy Babacos. He has fallen for a classic trap; the vulnerable, innocent 15 year old girl on a childrens chat website (kidschat.net)
We moved him to discord, where we specified the catfish was the age of 15. He continued to advance.
He has so kindly provided us with his main phone number, which is how we gathered this information.
Here's proof this individual is making sexual advances on a minor:  https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1028134782703505509/1028423520549601331/Screenshot_20221008-174631_Discord.jpg?width=304&height=676
Proof(2) -> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1028134782703505509/1028423513146654800/Screenshot_20221008-174655_Discord.jpg?width=304&height=676
Proof(3) -> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1028134782703505509/1028423503973728466/Screenshot_20221008-174707_Discord.jpg?width=304&height=676
If you do a swat or call, please contact me via telegram or discord and send a video! I'd greatly appreciate it. @omwbs | ! notaps#4513
As always, this dox is by notaps. wixdy, i love you too. <3

Before we continue, I must warn you all, this dox contains graphic content in the form of pictures of the target's penis, graphic sexual messages and depictions. 

~ notaps

=== Personal Information ===

Full Name: Jimmy Babacos
Age: 35 years old.
Phone number: (909) 643-0396
Phone number (Landline) ->  (909) 902-5602
phone number(2) -> (909) 824-2618
Address: 2407 S La Cadena Dr Colton, CA 92324-3619
IP (2020) ->
Email: bbabacos@hotmail.com // lesla_buenota@hotmail.com
DOB: July 31st, 1987


=== Family ===

Mother (Deceased)
Name: Bertha H Babacos
Age: 72

Name: Daisy Babacos
Cell number: (909) 533-7449
Address: 2407 S La Cadena Dr Colton, CA 92324
Age: 32 years old


=== NSFW ===

Nude photos:

=== Conclusion ===

As stated in the header, if you do a call, swat or pizza bombing, shoot me a video of it on discord ! notaps#4513 or telegram @omwbs
Thank you all for taking the time to view this post.
Much love, notaps.