 ????    Kevin van Egmond - Dox by platina    ????

╭━━⊰ Introduction  ⊱━━━
│     ????????  °  Dutch skid leaking people's private information and just being an all out faggot
│     ????????  °  Enjoy <3

╭━━⊰ Reason For Dox  ⊱━━━
│     ????????  ° FAGGOT
│     ????????  ° SKID

╭━━⊰ Victims Information: ⊱━
│     ????????  ° Kevin van Egmond
│     ????????  ° 15 years old (20-08-2006)
│     ????????  ° MALE
│     ????????  ° Phone number: +31 6 51249142
│     ????????  ° School: Veluws College Mheenpark, Apeldoorn
│     ????????  ° School class: 3M1
│     ????????  ° School e-mailaddress: kevinvanegmond@leerling.veluwscollege.nl

╭━━⊰ Mother's Information: ⊱━
│     ????????  ° Arianne van Egmond
│     ????????  ° https://www.facebook.com/arianne.vanegmond

╭━━⊰ Stepfather's Information: ⊱━
│     ????????  ° Peter-Jan Gennissen
│     ????????  ° https://www.facebook.com/peterjan.gennissen

├━━⊰ Address Information ⊱━
│     ????????  ° Lekstraat 73, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
│     ????????  ° Postal: 7333 KT

├━━⊰ Address Information ⊱━
│     ????????  ° Fun pic 1: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=565828886799874&set=pb.100001183048186.-2207520000..&type=3
│     ????????  ° Fun pic 2: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=486681018047995&set=pb.100001183048186.-2207520000..&type=3

├━━⊰ Social Information ⊱━
│     ????????  ° Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kevin.vanegmond.712
│     ????????  ° Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevin.055_
│     ????????  ° Discord: KevKev#0001 (ID: 867130167390109707)
│     ????????  ° Doxbin: https://doxbin.com/user/Kevin8151
