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Name: Kelvin
Age: 38
Media: https://www.youtube.com/user/drzkelvin48/about, https://www.twitch.tv/drzkevin48
Race: Hispanic
Current Address
87 Brookfield St
Lawrence, MA 01843

Phone Numbers
(978) 688-8345 - Landline
(978) 725-3847 - Landline
(978) 727-3847 - Wireless
(978) 761-4189 - Wireless

Associated Names
Kelvin M Abreu, Kelvin M Abreugarcia, Kelbin Abreu, Kelvin M Abreu-garcia, Kelvin Abreu Garcia

Previous Addresses
65 Park St #13
Lawrence, MA 01841
(Feb 2016)
9-11 Nesmith St #0
Lawrence, MA
(May 2010 - Mar 2014)
9 Nesmith St
Lawrence, MA 01841
(Jun 2012)


Sexy ass mamacita:

Angelita Garcia Valenzuela Age 56 (Jun 1964)

Current Address
3 Whitman St
Lawrence, MA 01841
Phone Numbers
(978) 601-9581 - Wireless

Associated Names
Angelita F Valenzuela, Angelita Garcia
Previous Addresses
35 Whitman St
Lawrence, MA 01841
(Mar 2015 - Jun 2020)
11 Nesmith St
Lawrence, MA 01841
(Jul 2011)


Younger Brother:

Jose M Garcia Age 31 (Oct 1989)
Current Address
38 Pine Island Cir
Kissimmee, FL 34743
Phone Numbers
(787) 741-1274 - Landline

Associated Names
Jose Rivero
Previous Addresses
PO Box 65
Millsboro, DE 19966
(Mar 2018 - Jun 2020)
118 Exchange St #D
Lawrence, MA 01841
(Mar 2003 - Jan 2020)
148 Exchange St
Lawrence, MA 01841
(Sep 2000 - Jan 2020)


Reason: fucking weirdo tried to pack me on discord then said he's gonna kill me and pulledu p to my place but yet the nigga plays LEAGUE OF FUCKING LEGENDS LOOl