_______   ______   ___   ___    .______   ____    ____         _______.     ___       _______  _______  _______  ___   ___  _______ 
|       \ /  __  \  \  \ /  /    |   _  \  \   \  /   /        /       |    /   \     /  _____||   ____||       \ \  \ /  / |   ____|
|  .--.  |  |  |  |  \  V  /     |  |_)  |  \   \/   /        |   (----`   /  ^  \   |  |  __  |  |__   |  .--.  | \  V  /  |  |__   
|  |  |  |  |  |  |   >   <      |   _  <    \_    _/          \   \      /  /_\  \  |  | |_ | |   __|  |  |  |  |  >   <   |   __|  
|  '--'  |  `--'  |  /  .  \     |  |_)  |     |  |        .----)   |    /  _____  \ |  |__| | |  |____ |  '--'  | /  .  \  |  |     
|_______/ \______/  /__/ \__\    |______/      |__|        |_______/    /__/     \__\ \______| |_______||_______/ /__/ \__\ |__|     
ROD: insolent,liar 
CRED 1: Armnkaaa - Information
CRED 2: Sagedxf  - Layout,information

|                   [-] Personnal Informations [-]              |
|[+] Name: ............... Kulimár Márk
|[+] Age: ................ 16
|[+] Adress: ............. Hűvösvölgyi Út 10c Budapest 1021
|[+] Phone number: ....... +36 70 803 5155
|[+] Hair colour: ........ Brown
|[+] Eye colour: ......... Brown
|[+] Cell: ............... Telekom
|[+] Race: ............... White
|[+] Ethnicity: .......... Hungarian
|[+] Gender: ............. Male
|[+] Alias: .............. Justmark
|[+] Phone device: ....... Apple Iphone 13
|                     [-] Social Media [-]                      |
|[+] Instagram :.........https://www.instagram.com/justmrk0/
|[+] Tiktok : ...........https://www.tiktok.com/@justmrk0
|                     [-] Pictures [-]                          |
  █ •FACE#1┃ https://imgur.com/a/justmrk0-GDosaen              █
  █ •FACE#2┃ https://imgur.com/a/PHXTOSX                       █
  █ •FACE#3┃ https://imgur.com/a/5uxD7AG                       █
  █ •HOUSE ┃ https://imgur.com/a/justmrk0s-house-H6bJ9Nm       █
  █ •ROD#1 ┃ https://imgur.com/a/JEozYm5                       █
|                     [-] About him [-]                         |
|[+] He's a gymrat.
|[+] He has a friendgroup on Millenáris Park. (Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16-20, 1024)
|[+] He has a big mouth in messages, but irl he runs aways from us.
|[+] He's an addicted of drugs.
|[+] The Guardianship & Child Protection Office knows about him.
|[+] He acts like he is loved and has a lot of money, but his parents hate him , cuz of his personality.