Dropped by mclovinis2cool4u
Reason for Dox: grooming multiple kids (specifically 13-15 yr olds)
 for context look at the doc that multiple people made: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1YoG0VnzKzFLxeV4hYjIhvLGOu-RohXZRuquh_xMsyh0/pub?pli=1
*Personal Information:
Full Name: Justin Torres/Justin Bonilla
 Phone Number: +1 (516) 757-8533
DOB: September 3rd, 2006
*Location Information
Address: 11811 Beachberry Dr, Houston, TX 77034

possible old addresses linked to his number: 
608 Sara Cir 
Port Jefferson Station, New York
1205 Sara Cir
Port Jefferson Station NY 11776
140 Overbrook Rd
Rochester NY 14618
family info:
as of now we dont have much info on his family, heres what we do know:
he lives with one side of his family in Texas
the other side is in new york
his dad is apparently insane (not surprised)
his mom and dad MIGHT be divorced
dad most likely lives in ny 
justin likes to take drugs WHILE AT HIS COUSINS BDAY PARTY
his mom is blonde
justin constantly says his mom has cancer, but that might be a lie to get ppl to feel bad for him
high school:
*despite being a pedo, as of the time this dox was made, he still goes to hs (hes 17)

name: Pasadena Memorial High School
number (if you call, tell them that justin torres is a pedophile): (713) 740-0390
website: https://memorial.pasadenaisd.org/
*Social Media Accounts:
new discord username: 1shooting_star
old discord username: justin10_0
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@justin10_0
Twitter: https://x.com/justin10_0X
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ZEpG9eg_9B7lqyOeSWDJQ
main discord server: https://discord.gg/pbaESG8aXb
server where he "doxxes" ppl: https://discord.gg/Ge7yzyxp
reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/justin10_0/
apple community acc: https://discussions.apple.com/profile/justin10_0/participation
itchio: https://itch.io/profile/justin10-0
his duolingo: https://www.duolingo.com/profile/justin10_0
pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/justin10_0/
telegram: https://t.me/justin10_0
pornhub acc (fucking gross): https://pornhub.com/users/justin10_0
wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Justin10_0
smule: https://www.smule.com/justin10_0
tenor: https://tenor.com/users/justin10_0
minecraftskins acc: https://www.minecraftskins.com/profile/4958672/usernameonenindy
2nd twitter acc: https://x.com/famousfurry
web archive of his website: https://web.archive.org/web/20240906180131/https://sites.google.com/view/all-about-justin-owo/homepage?authuser=0
soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-445337867
trello: https://trello.com/u/justin10_0/activity
this is his "apology/exposing" doc that his friends made, it states multiple lies abt justins grooming victims: https://sites.google.com/view/the-truth-about-justin-final/home
(the doc was made by justin dickriders: eribetra, exo.lium, klipp3k, xxl_command, xerothestreamer, etc)
Dropped by 
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