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	→ root/revenge/index
                                     ║ → 0x10 | Introduction........................... ║                                     
                                     ║ → 0x20 | Personal Information................... ║                                     
                                     ║ → 0x30 | Social Media........................... ║                                     
                                     ║ → 0x40 | Family................................. ║                                     
                                     ║ → 0x50 | Outro.................................. ║                                     


	→ root/revenge/introduction
		→ reason  : acting like another doxxer, larping on their name, trolling.
		→ credits : credits go to root & revenge for the layout. credits to sworn for information.


	→ root/revenge/personal
		→ name  : david gaines
		→ phone : +1 (706) 200-2186
		→ addy  : 920 bill presley rd cleveland ga
		    → address info: zip code: 30528
		    → past addresses: goolsgy rd, carnesville, GA
                                      Northwoods Dr, Mount Airy, Ga
                                      Huntington Manor Ct, Corneila, GA

                    → formerly lived in: oxford wisconsin


	→ root/revenge/socials

		→ cord  : jul#0001
		→ snap  : cudied


	→ root/revenge/family

		→ (relative)'s names:
			→ name  : david gregory gaines
			→ name  : Jacob daniel szetela
			→ name  : Jean H szetela
			→ name  : Sarah Marie Szetela

	→ root/revenge/outro
		→ outro : all information was obtained legally from public sources, we are not responsible for
			  any actions made against the victim and we have no involvement, thanks for reading.

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