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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ Background $--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Orlando or more better known as "Johnny" is a current security guard at a high school in Los Angeles. Johnny not only is a pedophile who enjoys spying on the girls who attend the Highschool but also using his manipulative
technique's and his use of friending the school board to wrongfully fire other personal at the school. The most recent termination was of a the head football coach, who now has been let go. Because of this, students 
say the football program is in shambles. Johnny has been caught multiple times taking pictures of the girls at the High school by other personal but they were scared of Johnny retaliating because he is known to get people
fired. In one case, Johnny was showing another teacher at the school pictures of the girls. The teacher told Johnny how disgusting it was and he replied, "I don't have a woman at home, I need to take care of my business." In another
case, one teacher said Johnny was bragging about how the head of the school board has cameras set up in the school that he could access on his phone.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ Main info $---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Full name: Orlando J Vazquez

Age: 45, Born January 1979

Lives in Altadena, CA

Current Address: 12019 Willard St North Hollywood, CA 91605 - Los Angeles County (Jun 2012 - Nov 2024)

Main Phone number: (818) 200-3674 - Last reported Oct 2024 Verizon Wireless

Possible Landlines: (818) 252-1458 - Last reported Jun 2018 Pacific Bell Telephone Company
                    (818) 768-7685 - Last reported May 2020 Pacific Bell Telephone Company

Email address: ojvazquez55@yahoo.com

Previous Addresses : 2007 Chivers St San Fernando, CA 91340 - Los Angeles County (Nov 1999 - May 2012)

Also known as: Orlando John Vazquez, Orlando J Vasquez, Orando J Vazquez, Johnny Vazquez

Picture of him: https://imgur.com/sb1POtb

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ Possible Relatives $-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Possible Spouse/Wife: Maricruz Vazquez
                      Lives in Monrovia, CA
                      Age : Age 50, Born August 1974
                      Phone: (818) 632-9239
Possible Relatives: Armando Vazquez
Age 70
Irma Vazquez
Age 73
Jessica Vazquez
Age 37
Rolando Vazquez
Age 37
Sally Vasquez
Age 69
Steven Vasquez
Age 50
Brandon Vazquez
Age 22
Stephen Vazquez
Age 55
Yahir Vazquez
Age 22
Anthony Vasquez
Age 49
Ashley Vasquez
Age 26
Nancy Vasquez
Age 55
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ Possible Associates $---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aida Crosthwaite
Age 54
Jesse Ochoa
Age 87
Concepcion Ochoa
Age 70
Jessie Ochoa
Age 47
Grachik Muradyan
Age 62
Virgie Poitra
Age 88
Aida Elbers
Age 72
Alvaro Guerrero
Age 39
Carmen Guerrero
Age 68
Carmen Guerrero
Age 82
Fernando Guerrero
Age 66
Henry Gutierrez
Age 63