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Info from 4t :3
Reason for Dox: Claims to be undoxxable, Fake Flex's with counterfeit money, Shit at trying to ego people (As told in prev dox)
║                       Basic Information                  ║
Alias: Jiren
Full Name: Jace Oliver Powell
Address: 237 Reagan Way Hanford California 
Coordinates: 36.32632 N , 119.66077 W
Postal Code: 93230
Apt Number: 1069
Mobile Number: +1 (559) 354-8671
Mobile Carrier: Matrix Telecom
Other Possible Phone Locations: Fresno, Visalia, Clovis, Tulare, Hanford
Serviced By Info: VOIP/TEXT NOW & 360 Networks
Phone Type: Landline
Region Location: Frenso, California & Coarsegold California

║                House & Vehicle Information               ║
Owned Vehicles: 2009 Honda Accord
Avg Price: $21k-$34k
Basic Car Info:
- Basic Warranty: 36k miles (3 years)
- HP (Horse Power): 170+ (6.5k RAM)
- Seating Capacity (amnt of seats): 5
- Customer Ratings: 4.5 Stars
- Cruise Control Type: Standard
1. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1025524950150418434/1025578631487033365/IMG_5482.jpg
2. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1025524950150418434/1025578649832931328/IMG_5483.jpg
3. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1025524950150418434/1025578698981769226/IMG_5481.png
║                       Social Information                 ║
Discord: jiren#0001 (Join Date: Jun 05, 2020)
Discord ID: 718618215772717126
Alt Discord: ego#3839 (Join Date: Dec 05, 2021)
Alt Discord ID: 917110757718630442
PSN (Playstation User): SlxxpyyHxlloww (this is a account connection)
║                       Family & Friends                   ║
Mother: Marry Johnson
Father: Cedrick Jr. Johnson 
Grandfather: Cedrick Jr. Johnson

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       /$$ /$$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$ | $$ /$$/     DONT CRY IN THE COMMENTS THIS IS A REPOST TO FURTHER SPREAD A DOX AND COLLECTED
      |__/| $$ /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$| $$__  $$| $$$$$/                                                              INFO FROM MORE AND MORE DOXXES
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