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Background:                                                                              weird pedo asking minors for nudes 

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Name: Jhin Hegarty 17
DOB: 13 june 2006
Emails: theb3astbr0s165@gmail.com jedijhin003@gmail.com ulbeast165@gmail.com jhin@greenfeets.co.uk raidlabnetwork@gmail.com ignjhin165@gmail.com 
Country and city: Australia and titjikala
Parents' Address: 32 Westfield Drive Preston PR26TH
Irl: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1147386463940513822/1147439555809661019/IMG_20230503_183949_155.jpg

Name: Shargon Hegarty, 43
DOB: 15 March 1979
Emails: sharon.hegarty@blueyonder.co.uk, sharonhegarty@gmail.com, sharonfhegarty@aol.com
Number: (1772) 793 097
Address: 32 Westfield Drive Preston PR26TH
Occupation: Secretary at Fylde Dairies (30 July 2008 to 11 December 2012), Suresite Accountants Assistant & RPing Author
Social Media: https://www.tiktok.com/@howshar79, https://twitter.com/sharonhegarty?lang=en, https://www.facebook.com/sharon.hegarty.98
Pics: https://prnt.sc/AVoGNpIAra9q
Pic of her books: https://prnt.sc/KYfbEXpGOKgP

Name: Howard Thomas Hegarty, 49
DOB: 8 December 1973
Emails: howard_hegarty@hotmail.com, howard.hegarty@cliftonfoodservices.co.uk
Address: 32 Westfield Drive Preston PR26TH
Previous Occupations: Director at Fylde Dairies (30 July 2008 to 11 December 2012), Greenfeets Distribution (9-15 Ribbleton Ln, Preston PR1 5EZ, United Kingdom) 14/10/2018-26/10/2019