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Line type: mobile Breaches Found : None ────────────────────────────────────────Below Are Images of him and some other stuff──────────────────────────────────────── [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ────────────────────────────────Videos Found in his DMs Across Social Media─────────────────────────────── [ ] [ ] His Girlfriend Bella [ ] Dont know if thats his brother cousin or a random kid at a park [ ] ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────WIFI Data──────────────────────────────────────── There is 1 interface on the system: Name : Wi-Fi Description : Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 GUID : e68d0334-3cc1-4996-a02c-76ba739bb371 Physical address : 12:56:82:fa:dc:80 State : disconnected Radio status : Hardware On Software On Hosted network status : Not available ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────Network Information──────────────────────────────────────── PC Information IP: Username: 8891305138 PC Name: LR095403 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── TCP Ports Scan >>>> Port Type Status Service 21 TCP Filtered ftp 22 TCP Filtered ssh 23 TCP Filtered telnet 25 TCP Filtered smtp 53 TCP Filtered domain 80 TCP Filtered http 110 TCP Filtered pop3 111 TCP Filtered rpcbind 135 TCP Filtered msrpc 139 TCP Filtered netbios-ssn 143 TCP Filtered imap 389 TCP Filtered ldap 443 TCP Filtered https 445 TCP Filtered microsoft-ds 587 TCP Filtered submission 1025 TCP Filtered NFS-or-IIS 1080 TCP Filtered socks 1433 TCP Filtered ms-sql-s 2049 TCP Filtered nfs 3306 TCP Filtered mysql 3389 TCP Filtered ms-wbt-server 5900 TCP Filtered vnc 6001 TCP Filtered X11:1 6379 TCP Filtered redis 8080 TCP Filtered http-proxy 9001 TCP Filtered tor-orport 9050 TCP Filtered tor-socks ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── IP INFORMATION NetRange: - CIDR: NetName: NU-NET NetHandle: NET-72-15-64-0-1 Parent: NET72 (NET-72-0-0-0-0) NetType: Direct Allocation OriginAS: Organization: WideOpenWest Finance LLC (WOPW) RegDate: 2004-11-19 Updated: 2012-02-24 Ref: OrgName: WideOpenWest Finance LLC OrgId: WOPW Address: 7887 East Belleview Avenue, Address: Suite 1000 City: Englewood StateProv: CO PostalCode: 80111 Country: US RegDate: 2002-04-10 Updated: 2024-05-22 Ref: ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── .m. ,_ ' ;M; ,;m ` ;M;. , , ;SMM; ;;Mm; ,; ____ ;, ;SMM; ;;;MM; ; (.MMMMMM.) ; ,SSMM;; ,;;;mMp' l ';mmmm;/ j SSSMM;; .;;;;;MM; .\,.mmSSSm,,/, ,SSSMM;;; ;;;;;;mMM; .;MMmSSSSSSSmMm; ;MSSMM;;;; ;;;;;;mMSM; ,_ ;MMmS;;;;;;mmmM; -,;MMMMMMm;;;; ;;;;;;;MMSMM; \"*;M;( ( '') );m;*"/ ;MMMMMM;;;;;, .;;;;;;mMMSMM; \(@;! _ _ !;@)/ ;MMMMMMMM;;;;;, ;;;;;;;MMSSSM; ;,;.*o*> <*o*.;m; ;MMMMMMMMM;;;;;;, .;;;;;;;MMSSSMM; ;Mm; ;M;,MMMMMMMMMMm;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;mmMSSSMMMM, ;Mm;, '- ,;M;MMMMMMMSMMMMm;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;MMMSSSMMMMMMMm;Mm;;, ___ ,;SmM;MMMMMMSSMMMM;;;;;;;; ;;'";;;MMMSSSSMMMMMM;MMmS;;, " ,;SmMM;MMMMMMSSMMMM;;;;;;;;. ! ;;;MMMSSSSSMMMMM;MMMmSS;;._.;;SSmMM;MMMMMMSSMMMM;;;;;;;;; ;;;;*MSSSSSSMMMP;Mm*"'q;' `;p*"*M;MMMMMSSSSMMM;;;;;;;;; ';;; ;SS*SSM*M;M;' `-. ;;MMMMSSSSSMM;;;;;;;;;, ;;;. ;P `q; qMM. ';MMMMSSSSSMp' ';;;;;;; ;;;; ', ; .mm! \. `. / ;MMM' `qSS' ';;;;;; ';;; ' mmS'; ; , `. ;'M' `S ';;;;; `;;. mS;;`; ; ; ;M,! ' luk ';;;; ';; .mS;;, ; '. o ; oMM; ;;;; ';; MMmS;; `, ;._.' -_.'MM; ;;; `;; MMmS;;; ; ; ; MM; ;;; `'. 'MMmS;; `;) ', .' ,M;' ;;; \ '' ''; ; ; ; ;' ;; ; ; `, ; ; ; ;; |. ; ; (. ; ; _.-. ;; .-----..__ / ; ; ;' ;\ _.-" .- `. ;; ;' ___ `*; `; '; ; ; ;' .-' : ; ; """*-. `. ; ; ; ; ' ,' / | ', `-_ (.--',`--'..' .' ', `-_ `*-._'.\\\;||\\) ,' `"*-._ "*`-ll_ll'l ,' ,==;*-._ "-. .' _-' "*-=`*;-._ ;' ." ;' ;"*-. ` ; ____ ;//' "- `, `+ .-/ ".\\; `*" / Dont End up like this nigga ┌——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————┐ | End Of Dox | └——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————┘