( o.o )
 > ^ <  doxing this weird pencil built kid named corey lewis aka jerked aka panty (nigga wtf??) aka 2ndline aka 9meli aka wreck
stupid nigga need to choose a name
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the ermmm address >.< : 83 Locust Grove, Hazlet, NJ (WHO LIVES IN NJ LMAOOO)

gay faggot  moms phone number to tell her needs to raise her son better: (718) 499-4751

mommys name: Misty Lewis aka Misty manfre

dad name: Joseph A Affatigato (kinda look like faggot tbh)

dad age: 32 or so

phone numberrrrrr: (917) 769-5736 - Wireless

(゚、 。 7         
  l  ~ヽ       

other stuff x3
had a 3 year age gap relationship as a teen

dissapointed relatives:
Lisa E Mahrle
Wade Hampton Lewis
Amy Frances Lewis
Grant S Lewis
Jim A Manfre
Joni A Manfre
James Manfre
Joseph Alan Manfre
Brian John Lewis
Bruce A Lewis
Rachael R Lewis
Megan R Bonin
Jacqueline C Lewis
Robert John Lewis
Susan M Garcia
Brian Lewis
Brian Lewis
Ginger A Lewis
John T Lewis
John Tudor Lewis
Robert John Lewis
Carrie L Strovers
J Lewis
J Lewis
Jerry Gerard Hayes
Marian V Garcia
Monelle F Lewis
Shirley C Lewis
William H Lewis
Brian Lewis
Christy L Yeldell
J T Lewis
Jacqueline C Lewis
Rachael M Lewis
Andre J Lewis
Frankie Cratic Smith
Jacody F Lewis
Tiesha M Lewis
Robin A Lewis