real name Jamie Foxx
age 56
address 1355 W Potrero Rd Thousand Oaks CA 91361
phone numbers (818) 203-8555
location Thousand Oaks
Brian Fox 
Jeremy Fox
Suzy Fox
Brian Fox
David Fox
Dinah Dorsen
Marcia Fox
Jack Fox
Bria Dorsen
Cinda Firestone
Debra Goodman
(310) 858-0270 - Landline
date of birth 
December 13, 1967
Jamie Foxx was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 15821 Ventura Blvd, Unit 525, Encino CA 91436 | 1480 N Hollywood Blvd, Las Vegas NV 89110 | 4477 Sherman Oaks Cir, Sherman Oaks CA 91403 | 5370 Vanalden Ave, Tarzana CA 91356 | 348 N Maple Dr, Unit F, Beverly Hills CA 90210 | 4209 Comanche St, Fort Worth TX 76119
Jamie Foxx was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 15821 Ventura Blvd, Unit 525, Encino CA 91436 | 1480 N Hollywood Blvd, Las Vegas NV 89110 | 4477 Sherman Oaks Cir, Sherman Oaks CA 91403 | 5370 Vanalden Ave, Tarzana CA 91356 | 348 N Maple Dr, Unit F, Beverly Hills CA 90210 | 4209 Comanche St, Fort Worth TX 76119
The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Jamie Foxx: Jaime King, Marcus King, Deidra Dixon, George Dixon, Kyle Bowser, Yvette Bowser, Alicia Boue, Christopher Barron, Jeffrey Mcinnis, Mark Curry, Mitchell Mullany
Jamie Foxx is 56 years old, and was born in December of 1967.
Jamie Foxx's latest phone number is a landline at (310) 858-0270.
Jamie Foxx's current address is 1355 W Potrero Rd, Thousand Oaks CA 91361. Jamie has lived there for about 18.4 years, since July of 2006.
Jamie Foxx is likely related to the following people: Jamie Fox, Marcia Fox, Barbara Fox, Brian Fox, Jack Fox, Jack Fox, Jeremy Fox, Jeremy Fox, Jonathan Fox, Suzy Fox, Bria Dorsen
amie's current phone number is (310) 858-0270. This Landline number was issued by 'Pacific Bell Telephone Company', first reported in public records on August of 2010. Past phone numbers for Jamie include (818) 203-8555 and (310) 858-1106. The primary email address for Jamie is Jamie has also used the following email accounts: and
Jamie C Foxx is 56 years old and was born in December of 1967. Currently Jamie lives at the address 1355 W Potrero Rd, Thousand Oaks CA 91361. Jamie has lived at this Thousand Oaks, CA address for about 18 years, after moving in around July of 2006. Jamie previously lived at 15821 Ventura Blvd, Unit 525, Encino CA 91436 for 13 years, starting in May of 2007. Going further back, starting in August of 1994, Jamie lived at 1480 N Hollywood Blvd, Las Vegas NV 89110 for 16 years
Jamie C Foxx is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Jamie: Jamie Fox(47), Marcia Fox(76), Barbara Fox(74), Brian Fox(53), Jack Fox(76), Jack Fox(77), Jeremy Fox(124), Jeremy Fox(51), Jonathan Fox(51), Suzy Fox(69) and Bria Dorsen(42).
Jaime King (818) 501-6211
Deidra Dixon (972) 563-0132 
 Kyle Bowser (818) 377-6300
Alicia Boue (305) 681-6180
.......................................... dox
Jeffrey Mcinnis (818) 377-6300
Marcus King (310) 295-7808
George Dixon (972) 563-0132
Yvette Bowser (818) 645-5040
 Christopher Barron (702) 882-5666
Also known as: Jaime Foxx, Jamie C Foxx, Jamie M Fox, Jamie Fox, Jamie Emery.
His parents are Darrell Bishop and Louise Annette