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 E#t   t##L   ;#L   LW.     L#W.   .E#L     E#t   t##L     E##Ei;;;;. E##E.         E#tL#i     E#t     L#W.   
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 L:                                         L:                                                                
-Dropped by: vix
You have to learn the rules of the game, to play better then anyone else
--- personal shit ---
-Title: a stupid cuck
-Full name: lee jacob grover
-race: white 
-Phone number: (207)-476-1256
-Dob: unknown
-Picture: http://www.mediafire.com/file/yx5m0xje4gv2y6y/jacob.png/file
-Alias: jacob 
--- location ---
-Address:17 Ledgewood Dr
-Area code: 207
-City: Holden 
-State: Maine
-Country: usa
---family info---
-start mom-
-Full name: kim grover
-race: white
-Phone number: (207) 989-1893
-Dob: in her 40s
-end mom-

-start dad-
-Full name: Lee K Grover IV
-race: white
-Phone number: (207) 989-1893
-age: in his 60s
-end dad-
-notes: kill yourself jacob
-made by vix-