 ║ →     Table Of Contents                                ║ 
 ║ →     0x01 Reason......................................║
 ║ →     0x02 Information.................................║
 ║ →     0x03 Social Media................................║
 ║ →     0x04 Images......................................║

                                          0x01 [Reason]
║ → Reason for the dox

║ → 0x01 ; Cheater E Whore

║ → 0x02 ; Big online ego

║ → 0x03 ; Irl, Discord & Roblox pick me bitch

                                          0x02 [Information]
║ → 0x01 ;name: Jamie

║ → 0x02 ; Address : Granbakken 6A, 3070 Sande i Vestfold

║ → 0x03 ; Region : Viken

║ → 0x03 ; Country : Norway

║ → 0x04 ; Age : 15

║ → 0x05 ; Phone Number : +47 976 91 408

                                          0x03 [Social Media]
║ → 0x0 ; Her Snapchat : jamieamalieehen

║ → 0x0 ; TikTok : j3miea

║ → 0x0 ; Her Roblox : j33mie 

║ → 0x0 ; Her Roblox Password : Xal262201

║ → 0x0 ; Best Friend's Instagram : lailaaazzox

║ → 0x0 ; Best Friend's Snapchat : lailaaazzox

║ → 0x0 ; Discord ID: 936790207225790504 Discord Username + tag : jam'#0001 

║ → 0x0 ; IP Address :

║ → 0x0 ; ISP : Altibox

                                          0x04 [Images]
║ → 0x01 ; PC Info : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1017458777244577824/1020818992383930501/unknown.png

║ → 0x02 ; Selfie Leaks : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1017458777244577824/1020819714487898162/unknown.png

║ → 0x03 ; House : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1017458777244577824/1020819536783609996/unknown.png


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                \_____\___________________,-~~~~~~~`-.._                            Paste Made By                                               
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                `~-.__        ___..----..                 )                          vampire                 
                      `---~~\___________/------------`````                           zomb
                      =  ===(_________D