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|   [ Discords & Contacts ]    |
  - Discord: somestranger#1699
|    [ Victim's Information ]  |
First Name: Stanislav
Surname: Iwanow
Last Name: Minov
Personal ID: 0449014380
Criminal Record: Clean
Date of birth: 15/04/2004
Nicknames: ivanovski, IwanowW , minowww. Ivanov4uXGucci
|   [ Location Information ]   |
Mainland: Europe
Country: Bulgaria
City: Plovdiv
|    [ School Information ]    |
School: ПГХТТ гр. Пловдив
School site: -
- https://www.pghtt.net
School Mails:
- pghtt_plov@pghtt.net
School Numbers:
- Secretary: 032/ 95 50 18
- Director: 032/ 95 28 38
School Address:
- ПГХТТ Пловдив, бул. В.Априлов 156, България ]
|      [ Social Media ]        |
https://www.instagram.com/psychojesus_/?hl=bg [ Instagram]
|   [ Photo Information ]      |
|   [ Email Information ]      |
- minovstanislav24@gmail.com
- s.minov@pghtt.com
|   [ Password Information ]   |
- ivanov4u666
- minoww123
- ivanov4u123
- ivanov4u123456789
|      [ CC Information ]      |
- 4106 6400 7219 6759
- Date: 01/23
- Name: Angel Mlekanov
- CVC: 449

I will post more if this guy come again to shit talk ;)