0. Reason of dox: lowlife scammer, faggot 1. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2. ~~ Personal info: ~~ 3. 4. First name: Bradyn 5. Last name: Hargate 6. Known as: ium, bray, MCC ex staff 7. Age: 16 8. City: Palm desert 9. State: California 10. ? ? ? 11. ~ 12. irl(s): 13. https://gyazo.com/4fa46191bd66d4c334bc8be803e5dd28 14. https://gyazo.com/c0e98c387588b1e79efaa1d38c6a8169 15. ~ 16. Personal Address(s): 17. 46075 Verba Santa Dr Palm Desert, CA 92260 ? (1997-current) 18. 74459 Buttonwood Dr Palm Desert, CA 92260 ? (2013 - june 2019) 19. ~ 20. Email(s): bradynhargate@gmail.com , jandersen344@gmail.com 21. IP Address: 22. Phone number: (760) 275-8593 23. Discord: bray#8301 24. 25. ? ? ? 26. ~~ Education: ~~ 27. 28. School: Palm desert Highschool 29. Year: 10 30. School Address: 74910 Aztec Rd, Palm Desert, CA 92260, USA 31. School phone number: (760)-862-4300 31. 32. I'd add his track stats but kid is deadass embarassing at the sport 33. ? ? ? ? ? 34. ~~ Extra info: ~~ 35. ? ? 36. Known password(s): 37. 38. - Pizzazza1 39. 40. - Hash: dee73560114351c9a2ae4e4493f6ac3e 41. - Salt: -Gp@b 42. crack for more passwords ^ 43. 44. ? ? ? 45. ~~ Family: ~~ 46. 47. Jamie Hargate (Dad): 48. Age - 9/24/1978 (40) 49. Phone number: (760) 275-8593 50. ~ 51. Brianna miller (Mom) 52. Danielle Nicole Hargate 53. James Richard Hargate 54. 55. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 56. ~ 57. cute vid: https://player.vimeo.com/video/3997241 58. 59. song name pls<3