║		                           _____                                      	                                          	               ║
		║				__aammm###########Wma__                                  	                                          	       ║
		║			     _wM#######################Mw_        	            	                                          	               ║        
		║			   _###############################_       	            	                                          	               ║       
		║		         _g########M##0###M#######M#P########m   	            	                                          	               ║         
		║		       _g#########K_7#J#@#K0##E0##K##d########&_   		           	                                          	       ║        
		║		      a#####F#######L"J#      							         	                  		       ║
		║	             ##########W#########     	                                          	        		                               ║
		║		    j##M#@""j#@######k ###########################g_              	                                          	               ║
		║		   J###     J#&#######_0###########################&              	                                          	               ║   
		║		   ###KJ#  J##########&j############################L             		    ██╗ ██╗  ██████╗  ██████╗ 		               ║
		║		  g###_## ,#########################################L           		   ████████╗██╔═══██╗██╔════╝ 		               ║
		║		  ###W### ###########################################           	      	   ╚██╔═██╔╝██║   ██║██║  ███╗		               ║
		║	         ,#######a########################################### 	        	      	   ████████╗██║   ██║██║   ██║		               ║
		║		 7########################K]##M####F##"#####@########           	      	   ╚██╔═██╔╝╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝		               ║
		║		  #######################Z_0#L 0###F 4  ##W#L5#######                      	    ╚═╝ ╚═╝  ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ 		               ║
		║		  ##################~###E, #^^q##H#  `K '#-9r-9#M####      		                                                       	       ║
		║		  #################1j##P  J'  J#P #   '    `   ]F0###                 	         Presents to you IRAQ210's Dox!       		       ║  
		║	          '################ WP ___2   ^"         __p*&w _ ###      		                                                               ║
		║		   "###MP*#####KJ#K "a#M""@9#            0" _#@# J###      			      		                                       ║
		║		     #  eL_#### J# g@"  _## F            I_###1F I10L      	     Hello everyone! It has come to our attention that there	       ║
		║		     1 E^-J###   ^{"9mw&@M# J            *M#W0mF I1"                 has been a known pedophile lurking within the extortion	       ║
		║		      X,wF9###     3_#M####_r            __ 0#Jw 0               community side of discord, also known as IRAQ AKA Jason Amatulli.     ║
		║		       ^_ ^###      QdK..@@*L         _   "''    I             He has been known to extort little girls, with a known count of up to   ║
		║			"\_###K                       'p         f             10 minors. IRAQ has also been known to go in calls with these minors    ║
		║			  "0##1                    ___"         +          	  and do very weird and outrages things such as show his genitals      ║
		║	   _a--s.__         9#&._              *'"""M#        _/           	to these minors. This type act is not acceptable. IRAQ needs all the   ║
		║	 _-"          -- wm P7##~+,_           'Tw__/"       *"            	  help he can get, that is why we are making this. We aren't making    ║
		║	w"                 J_ "#2v "<_            ~"      _ '              	   this as an act of clout or out of boredom. We're making this to     ║
		║     _+                    7_  " ',  +L_               _m'                	      show every one of you up and coming "extorters" that your	       ║
		║      "                      ",    "*     mwa___    _*-                    		   actions will not go unseen, as all actions have	       ║
		║			   ._    `m_        @Z94_                         		consequences. Thank you for reading and enjoy the dox!	       ║   
		║			    ^       =L_    ,*", `-s.___                										       ║
		║			     q       "-w*    I         -              										       ║
		║			      " .__.,.m3=.,,/                   	   									       ║
		║             Table of Contents             ║                                          ║					 		       ║
		║                                           ║     0x01 Reasons                         ║							       ║
		║             0x00 Introduction             ║                                          ║                 |\_______________ (_____\\______________      ║
		║              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯              ║	                                       ║        HH======#H###############H#######################      ║
		║           0x01 Reasons.........           ║     x Extorter           x Skid          ║                 ' ~""""""""""""""`##(_))#H\"""""Y########     ║
		║           0x02 Confirmation....           ║                                          ║                                   ))    \#H\       `"Y###     ║
		║           0x03 Clowning........           ║     x Pedophile          x Loser         ║   hi ^-^                                }#H)   	       ║
		║                                           ║					       ║							       ║
		║         1x00 Victim's information         ╠══════════════════════════════════════════╩═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
		║          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯          ║													       ║
		║           1x01 Aliases.........           ║     0x02 Confirmation										       ║
		║           1x02 Personal Info...           ║ 										  			       ║
		║           1x03 Social Media....           ║        												       ║
		║           1x04 Databreaches....           ║	     His telegram phone number https://0wx.org/YTOMJZ						       ║
		║           1x05 Address Info....           ║													       ║
		║                                           ║	     Same Bathroom https://0wx.org/ZDKOJU							       ║
		║          2x00 Family Information          ║		 											       ║
		║           ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯           ║	     Getting scared when called out https://0wx.org/YDANZR	     				       ║
		║           2x01 Mother..........           ║													       ║
		║           2x02 Father..........           ║	     Face matches everywhere						         		       ║
		║                                           ║													       ║
		║               3x00 Credits                ║	     Most of his socials specify that he lives in New York, Manhattan which is 	         	       ║
		║                ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                 ║	     exactly where we traced him to	   							       ║
		║                                           ║													       ║
		║																		       ║
                ║		0x03 Clowning															       ║
		║																		       ║
		║																		       ║
		║		'Alright she is 10 and she dated trap so..' https://0wx.org/3DKNZU								       ║
		║																		       ║
		║		Typical wannabe edgy extorter https://0wx.org/3DQNBU https://0wx.org/3DQMBU							       ║
		║																		       ║
		║		Getting leaked by his own group https://0wx.org/4TANZY										       ║
		║																		       ║
		║		Fansigning an egirl's initial on his forehead https://0wx.org/ZDCMRQ								       ║
		║																		       ║
		║		Whatever this is https://0wx.org/ZDEMZQ												       ║
		║																		       ║
		║		Dirty nails // Doesn't shower https://0wx.org/ZDIMJX										       ║
		║																		       ║
		║		Larps 764 https://medium.com/@jasonamatulli											       ║
		║																		       ║
		╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Victim's information ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
		║ 1x01  Aliases      ║														  		       ║
		║                    ║       1x02 Personal Info												               ║
		║  x Iraq210	     ║																       ║
		║  x K1LL            ║          Full Name: Jason Amatulli											       ║
		║  x slutdegraders   ║          Gender: Male												               ║
		║  x bloodonmyakm    ║          Age: 22													               ║
		║  x bloodynewgens   ║													  			       ║
		║  x swattedemos     ║          Current Address: 558 W 151st St APT 12 New York, NY 10031 2355                                        	               ║
		║  x Jay Sturdy      ║          Past Address: 280 Jacob St, Elmont NY 11003         							               ║
		║  x jasonamatulli   ║																       ║
		║  x worldcoolcat_yt ║          Education: Graduted at New Hyde Park Memorial High School						               ║
		║  x AmatulliJason   ║															               ║
		║  x king_flash1400  ║          IRLs: https://0wx.org/ZTINJY (2024)							 		               ║
		║  x death764        ║                https://0wx.org/4TOOJT (May 31, 2016)									       ║
		║                    ║		  														       ║
		╠════════════════════╣          Mobile Number: (516) 231-6661											       ║
		║    		     ║                Carrier: Onvoy Spectrum, LLC										       ║
		║        	     ║																       ║
		║		     ║          Email accounts:													       ║
		║		     ║																       ║
		║		     ║		    [A] Email:        jasonamatulli@gmail.com     / Imgur       Instagram       Adobe       Younow		       ║
		║	 -=-	     ║		    [A] Google-ID:    102422973307065229033      /  Pinterest   Tiktok		Twitter				       ║
		║     (\  _  /)      ║              [A] Name:         Jason Amatulli            []  Replit      Facebook	Reddit				       ║
		║     ( \( )/ )	     ║  	    [A] Relevance:    Main Email                 \  Spotify     Dropbox		Onquidd				       ║
		║     (       )	     ║   	    [A] Recovery:     (•••) ••• ••58              \ Discord	Smule		Scentbird			       ║
		║      `>   <'	     ║				      jasonamatulli@icloud.com									       ║
		║      /     \       ║															  	       ║
		║      `-._.-'	     ║		    [B] Email:        jasonamatulli@icloud.com    / Imgur       Instagram					       ║
		║		     ║		    [B] Google-ID:    NA 			 /  Pinterest	Picsart						       ║
		║		     ║		    [B] Name:         NA			[]  Spotify     Facebook					       ║
		║		     ║		    [B] Relevance:    Alternative                \  Twitter	Discord						       ║
		║		     ║		    [B] Recovery:     (516) 231-6661              \ Adobe	Reddit						       ║
		║                    ║																       ║
		║												║                                                      ║
		║       1x03 Social Media									║                                                      ║
		║												║                                                      ║
		║												║                                                      ║
		║           Instagram: 									        ║                                                      ║
		║               » https://www.instagram.com/bloodynewgens/					║                                                      ║
		║												║                                                      ║
		║           Soundcloud:										║                                                      ║
		║               » https://soundcloud.com/bloodonmyakm						║                 ____,			               ║
		║												║                /.---|			               ║
		║           Telegram:										║                `    |    ___	                       ║
		║           	» https://t.me/slutdegraders							║    your story ends (=\.  /-. \ 		       ║
		║												║      here, jason.   |\/\_|"|  |		       ║
		║           Discord: 										║                     |_\ |;-|  ;		       ║
		║               » ikickpeoplesdoorsinforfun (1202852372137648221)				║                     | / \| |_/ \		       ║
		║												║                     | )/\/      \		       ║
		║           Tiktok:										║                     | ( '|  \   |		       ║
		║               » https://www.tiktok.com/@jasonamatulli8					║                     |    \_ /   \		       ║
		║												║                     |    /  \_.--\		       ║
		║           Twitter:										║                     \    |    (|\`		       ║
		║               » https://twitter.com/AmatulliJason						║                      |   |     \		       ║
		║               » https://twitter.com/JasonAmatulli						║                      |   |      '.   		       ║
		║												║                      |  /         \		       ║
		║           Facebook:										║                      \  \.__.__.-._) 		       ║
		║               » https://www.facebook.com/jason.william.12935					║                                                      ║
		║               » https://www.facebook.com/jason.amatulli.3/					║                                                      ║
		║												║                                                      ║
		║           Pinterest:										║                                                      ║
		║               » https://www.pinterest.com/jasonamatulli/					║                                                      ║
		║												║                                                      ║
		║           Spotify:										║                                                      ║
		║               » https://open.spotify.com/user/jasonamatulli					║                                                      ║
		║												║                                                      ║
		║           Snapchat:										╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
		║               » https://www.snapchat.com/add/bloodonmyyak					║                                                      ║
		║												║                                                      ║
		║           Medium:										║                                                      ║
		║               » https://medium.com/@jasonamatulli						║                                                      ║
		║												║                 |\      _,,,---,,_                   ║
		║           Misc:										║           ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_               ║
		║               » https://ifttt.com/p/jasonamatulli						║                |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'              ║
		║               » https://disqus.com/by/jasonamatulli/						║^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^║
		║               » https://imgur.com/user/jasonamatulli/about					║                                                      ║
		║               » https://www.smule.com/jasonamatulli						║                                                      ║
		║               » https://www.periscope.tv/jasonamatulli					║                                                      ║
		║												║                                                      ║
		║																		       ║
		║       1x04 Databreaches														               ║
		║																		       ║
		║                                                                                                                 __/)     (\__			       ║
		║           Source: 1062 Onquidd Com 3M Store 2019                                                             ,-'~~(   _   )~~`-.		       ║
		║           username: king_flash1400                                                                          /      \/'_`\/      \		       ║
		║           email: jasonamatulli@gmail.com                                                                   |       /_(_)_\       |		       ║
		║           hash: $2a$10$O3j9pTjV44OfNmsZhfSsB.XkRGb2CDHBhpy6Fxef1YeUayKnklBpm                               |     _(/(\_/)\)_     |		       ║
		║													     |    / // \ / \\ \    |		       ║
		║           Source: 0864 Scentbird Com 5M Store 062020							      \  | ``  / \ ''  |  /		       ║
		║           name: Scentbird User  									       \  )   /   \   (  /		       ║
		║           id: 4902648   											)/   /     \   \(		       ║
		║           hash: $2a$10$nBPUwpLddOw6nxo7aqTnAOFq.5QQX3Gs/Llwl0CCSJD/70EI08Xz6   			        '    `-`-'-'    `		       ║
		║           email: jasonamatulli@gmail.com													       ║
		║																		       ║
		║           Source: 0595 Younow Com 40M Social 072017												       ║
		║           username: JasonAmatulli													               ║
		║           email: jasonamatulli@gmail.com													       ║
		║																		       ║
		║																		       ║
		║       1x05 Address Info															       ║
		║																		       ║
		║																	  	       ║
		║           Bathrooms: 1.5                                  Property Class: Residential								       ║
		║           Square Feet: 1 376				    Lot sqft: 4 000									       ║
		║           Year Built: 1961				    Parking Spaces: 1									       ║
		║           Ownership: Individual			    AC: Central										       ║
		║           Land Use: Single Family Residential		    APN: 32-460-00-0026									       ║
		║           Garage Type: Detached Garage		    School Distric: Sewanhaka Central High School District				       ║
		║           Stories: 2																       ║
		║																	   	       ║
		║           Transaction History:														       ║
		║																		       ║
		║                       Sale Date	    Recorded         Amount	      Mortgage    	    Doc Type					       ║
		║																		       ║
		║                       12/20/21	    01/12/22           $0	      $450,000	      Stand Alone Mortgage				       ║
		║                       02/10/21	    03/04/21           $0	         $0	      Bargain and Sale Deed				       ║
		║                       01/20/20	    02/25/20	    $320,000	       $3,000	      Referee's Deed					       ║
		║																		       ║
		╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Family information ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
		║											     ║							       ║
		║       2x01 Mother									     ║                     Databreaches                        ║
		║											     ║							       ║
		║           Full Name: Corine Rino Amatulli						     ║                                                         ║
		║           Age: 46									     ║   Source: 1669 Verifications Io 789M Marketing 022019   ║	
		║           Date Of Birth: 05/04/1978   (MM/DD/YY)					     ║	 email: 21LADYBUG@EARTHLINK.NET            	       ║
		║           Relationship: Divorced (David Frank Amatulli)				     ║	 city: elmont             			       ║
		║           Current Address: 558 W 151st St APT 12 New York, NY 10031 2355		     ║ 	 state: ny              	  		       ║
		║           Past Address: 280 Jacob St, Elmont, NY					     ║ 	 email: 21ladybug@earthlink.net              	       ║
		║											     ║	 lastip:              		       ║
		║           Work: Master of Science in Education (Doctor)				     ║ 	 zip: 11003              	 		       ║
		║											     ║	 name: corine amatulli           		       ║
		║           IRLs: https://0wx.org/3TSNRT (March 26, 2023)				     ║              	  				       ║
		║                  https://0wx.org/3TSOJV (March 26, 2023)				     ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
	        ║	           https://0wx.org/4DKNJV (~2015)					     ║                        				       ║
	        ║											     ║                       _..---.._                         ║
		║											     ║                     .' .-'''-. '.                       ║
		║           Mobile Number: (516) 353-8319						     ║                    / .'  _..._'. \           	       ║
		║                 Carrier: New Cingular Wireless Pcs, Llc - Dc				     ║             __    : :  /`;'   ) : :          _,="`\     ║
		║											     ║       ,--''`  ``'.; : |;   ,-;  : ;  __..==""==.,_|     ║
		║											     ║      `-,        `; .\;  / ^\ _,.="//                    ║
		║           Email accounts:								     ║            '-,_.--._ '.(;_.'__/`_.-'`\                  ║
		║											     ║      ,.--''`` _..=. `'--.//   ``      \                 ║
		║               [A] Email:        21ladybug@earthlink.net      				     ║       `--,   '`      `-  |_\ '-.       |                ║
		║               [A] Google-ID:    NA                           				     ║           `-._         _.;--`-..___,.-'`                ║
		║               [A] Name:         NA                            			     ║               `'-...-_:',;`==,| \                       ║
		║               [A] Relevance:    Deleted                     				     ║                _.--',=" /   /"=;="=,                    ║ 
		║               [A] Recovery:     NA                           				     ║             _.'  ,=".-'`  .'  /| ,="                    ║ 
		║											     ║        _.--' .-' "=,     :  .' | ",                     ║ 
		║											     ║         `;._ .--'.'    .-' .' . ;                       ║ 
		║           IP Address:							     ║         ,;;\_ .   '._.'--'` -' /                        ║ 
		║                  ISP: Vodafone Americas						     ║           ,;;;._  '-._ .''.__.'                         ║ 
		║											     ║                `\_  .' '._   /                          ║ 
		║											     ║                   '._      .(`                          ║ 
		║           Social Media:								     ║                     '._ ';./                            ║ 
		║				   						 	     ║                         `;`                             ║ 																									
		║                 » Quora     https://www.quora.com/profile/Corine-Amatulli/		     ║							       ║
		║                 » Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/46948331-corine-amatulli   ║^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^║
		║                 » Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/corine.amatulli			     ║							       ║
		║                 » Twitter   https://x.com/AmatulliCo16412				     ║							       ║
		║                 » Instagram https://www.instagram.com/corineamatulli/			     ║						   	       ║
		║											     ║							       ║		
		║																		       ║
		║       2x02 Father																       ║
		║																		       ║
		║           Full Name: David Frank Amatulli													       ║
		║           Age: 51																       ║
		║           Relationship: Married (Lisa C. Amatulli)												       ║
		║           Date Of Birth: 12/30/1973   (MM/DD/YY)												       ║
		║           Current Address: 212 Springtree Rd. Athens, GA 30605        									       ║
		║           Past Addresses:  2130 Lebanon Rd Lawrenceville, GA 30043										       ║
		║			     280 Jacob St, Elmont, NY 11003      										       ║
		║			     201 E Broadway, APT 4A, Long Beach, NY 11561     									       ║
		║			     65 Lincoln Blvd, APT F10, Long Beach, NY 11561     								       ║
		║			     65 Lincoln Blvd, APT A11, Long Beach, NY 11561     							               ║
		║			     101 4th Ave, East Rockaway, NY 11518										       ║
		║			     465 Shore Rd #7K, Long Beach, NY 11561										       ║
		║			     558 W 151st St #12, New York, NY 10031										       ║
		║			     2130 Lebanon Rd, Lawrenceville, GA 30043										       ║
		║			     201 E Broadway, Long Beach, NY 11561										       ║
		║																		       ║
		║           VRN: 08514365															       ║
		║           IRL: https://0wx.org/ZDEMRS														       ║
		║																		       ║
		║           Mobile Number: (516) 445-1290													       ║
		║		  Carrier: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC - DC											       ║
		║																		       ║
		║																		       ║
 		║           Email accounts: 															       ║
		║																		       ║
		║               [A] Email:        sinisterdave2001@hotmail.com 											       ║
		║               [A] Google-ID:    NA    													       ║                       	
		║               [A] Name:         NA   														       ║                        
		║               [A] Relevance:    Deleted   													       ║                 	
		║               [A] Recovery:     NA      													       ║                    	
		║																		       ║
		║               [B] Email:        sinisterdave@yahoo.com      / Myspace										       ║
		║               [B] Google-ID:    NA                         / 											       ║
		║               [B] Name:         NA                        []  										       ║
		║               [B] Relevance:    Deleted                    \											       ║
		║               [B] Recovery:     NA                          \											       ║
		║																		       ║
		║               [C] Email:        sinisterdave2@yahoo.com											       ║
		║               [C] Google-ID:    NA                           											       ║
		║               [C] Name:         NA                           											       ║
		║               [C] Relevance:    Deleted                    											       ║
		║               [C] Recovery:     NA    													       ║
		║																		       ║
		║               [C] Email:        sinisterdave1@yahoo.com											       ║
		║               [C] Google-ID:    NA                           											       ║
		║               [C] Name:         NA                           											       ║
		║               [C] Relevance:    Deleted                    											       ║
		║               [C] Recovery:     NA    													       ║
		║																		       ║
		║               [C] Email:        sinisterdave2004@yahoo.com											       ║
		║               [C] Google-ID:    NA                           											       ║
		║               [C] Name:         NA                           											       ║
		║               [C] Relevance:    Deleted                    											       ║
		║               [C] Recovery:     NA   														       ║
		║																		       ║
		║																		       ║
		║                   Context: He left Iraq's life when Iraq was 2 and moved to Georgia.		 				   		       ║
		║																	               ║
		╠═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Extra ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
		║																		       ║		
		║           Iraq used to have a female dog named Josie. She was a golden retriever and would be 17 nowadays if she hadn't passed.		       ║						
		║																		       ║
		╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Credits ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
		║																		       ║
		║																		       ║
		║																		       ║
		║																		       ║
 		║                                                    -=====-                         -=====-				   			       ║                                                                  
		║                                                     _..._                           _..._				   		    	       ║
		║                                                   .~     `~.                     .~`     ~.				   			       ║
		║                                           ,_     /          }                   {          \     _,				   		       ║
		║                                          ,_\'--, \   _.'`~~/                     \~~`'._   / ,--'/_,				   	               ║
		║                                           \'--,_`{_,}    -(                       )-    {,_}`_,--'/				   		       ║
		║                                            '.`-.`\;--,___.'_                     _'.___,--;/`.-`.'				   		       ║
		║                                              '._`/    |_ _{@}                   {@}_ _|    \`_.'				   		       ║
		║                                                 /     ` |-';/           _       \;'-| `     \				                               ║
		║                                                /   \    /  |       _   {@}_      |  \    /   \				   	   	       ║
		║                                               /     '--;_       _ {@}  _Y{@}        _;--'     \				   		       ║
		║                                              _\          `\    {@}\Y/_{@} Y/      /`          /_				   		       ║
		║                                             / |`-.___.    /    \Y/\|{@}Y/\|//     \    .___,-'| \				   		       ║
		║																		       ║
		║																		       ║
		║                                  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                  ║
		║                                  │      Frail      <->  OSINT /          <->  doxbin.com/user/fwail	            │                                  ║
		║				   │	  Rayzo      <->  OSINT / Format   <->  doxbin.com/user/Rayzo               │                                  ║
		║				   │	  witness    <->  OSINT /          <->  doxbin.com/user/swxt	            │                                  ║
		║				   │	  Discrete   <->  OSINT /          <->  @d.iscrete on cord	            │                                  ║
		║				   └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘				       ║
		║																		       ║