[] DROPPED BY : yoda, soltiles
[] CREDITS :  nokia for template, <3 
[] DATE : 7/31/2021
|                    [TOC]                       |
|               - REASON FOR DOX                  
|               - PERSONAL INFO                                               
|               - SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS                               
|               - HOUSE INFORMATION                                     
|               [REASON FOR DOX]                 |
| - Ran her mouth and talked shit about people for 5 years
| - Catfished under the alias "Hannah"
| - Claimed she was able to dox anyone she met
| - Flexed esexing/edating people that were in several communities
| - Lied about age, having no mother, and lied about being a girl         
| - Retarded as fuck for lying about personal phone number being her's
|                [PERSONAL INFO]                 |
| Alias - Dioxide03/IloveMyDawgAndJesus/Trannah/Hannah/RetardNigga69                                           
| Name - Lily                                                  
| Age - 15 (claims she's 12)                                                            
| Job - Mcdonalds                                            
| Phone - +1 (252) 205-8325                                            
| Relationship - Single cuz she do be catfishin doe                                             
| DOB - idek can care less                                         
| Gender - Transgender                                                
| Race - White/Nigger                                            
| Sexuality - GAY AS SHIT ON BD LAMRON                                                                  
| Lives Alone Or With Parents? - With Parents
| Who Do They Live With If Not Parents? - Yes
| Address - 103 E Center St                                       
| Zip Code - 27813                                    
| Area Code - 252                                    
| Country - North Carolina                                      
| State - US                                                                              
| Town - Black Creek                                        
| Link To Info - https://ibb.co/s5rHggG                                
|            [SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS]             |
| Discord - naberius#0005
| Roblox -  ilovemydawgandjesus (TERMED), dioxide03 (PENDING TERM)
| YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClXAT3vRaGt6ZMebtU5fs9g
| Instagram - @dioxide03
| Snapchat - @ratty.lily
| If you have any Logins write them here - Nope
|               [Retards Face]                   |
| https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/850556094833360899/870966345049718794/image2.jpg?width=218&height=472
| https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850556094833360899/870966344261193728/image1.png
| https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850556094833360899/870966343556562974/image0.png
| https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850556094833360899/870966591146319882/image0.png
| https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850556094833360899/870966591574114314/image1.png
| https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850556094833360899/870966591918067712/image2.png
| https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850556094833360899/870966592467513374/image3.png
| https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850556094833360899/870966657047212053/image0.png
| https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850556094833360899/870966726907531294/image0.png
|                 [HOUSE INFO]                   |
| Address - 103 E Center St, Black Creek, North Carolina 27813
| realtor - https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/101-E-Center-St_Black-Creek_NC_27813_M63706-98995
| Pictures Of House (The more the better) - https://ibb.co/s5rHggG 
|      [Funny Gif Of Her Mom Shakin Ass]         |
| https://tenor.com/view/tra-dancing-fat-funny-purple-gif-10160244								 |
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