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Dropped by: UserSec
Member: Bat (owner)
Reason for Dox: iiluminaughtii accused a very respected youtuber @LegalEagle of plagarism. 
However, she was the one that plagarized him and most of her videos were revealed and plagarised. 
That was only the start as people cam out, and admitted that she mistreated her employees. 
She sometimes took their paychecks and used them for her own gain. 
She saved photos and screenshots to use against, and blackmail other people. 
After her getting "Cancelled" she decides to file lawsuits against other people for money and spite i guess. 
She was however sued for tax evasion later assuming by the US Gov.
*Personal Information:
Full Name: Blair Victoria Kristy (Blair Zon is fake)
(If you check her different socials, she puts and accent in her name like this -> ò but its on a different letter)
Phone Number: +1 (818) 675-5767
DOB: January 23, 1993 (30 yrs as of now)
Email: iilluminaughtii@gmail.com, blairck@yahoo.com
Picture: https://i.imgur.com/B2zIHoy.png
Alias: Iilluminaughtii
*Location Information
Address: Cottonwood Tree Drive
Area Code: 719
Zip: 80927
City: Colorado Springs
State: Colorado
Country: United States of America
Continent: North America
*Social Media Accounts:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iilluminaughtii?lang=en
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@iilluminaughtii
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iilluminaughtii/?hl=en

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