Hi so I met this guy iiS#4031 on a community discord server where he was using a self bot and he tryed to
grab my ip in dm with an IP logger (LOL) but unfortunately he obviously didn't managed to and he also 
said that he could grab my token but he was apparently too lazy to do it (rly unfortunate) 

And btw he had an IP on his discord status so I asked him who the ip belonged to and he told me 
that it belonged to him.

bruh just look at the IP https://prnt.sc/twxfpe (no comment)

And because he didn't had in reality any computer knowledge he decided to upload my discord name and tag
to try to find my IP with your guys help

https://doxbin.org/upload/Aidedox This is where he puted my discord tag and name

You're free to do whatever you want to with him he's a disgrace to the Humanity.