iiii                                                  JJJJJJJJJJJ                                   kkkkkkkk                
 i::::i                                                 J:::::::::J                                   k::::::k                
  iiii                                                  J:::::::::J                                   k::::::k                
                                                        JJ:::::::JJ                                   k::::::k                
iiiiiii    ggggggggg   gggggnnnn  nnnnnnnn                J:::::J  aaaaaaaaaaaaa      cccccccccccccccc k:::::k    kkkkkkk     
i:::::i   g:::::::::ggg::::gn:::nn::::::::nn              J:::::J  a::::::::::::a   cc:::::::::::::::c k:::::k   k:::::k      
 i::::i  g:::::::::::::::::gn::::::::::::::nn             J:::::J  aaaaaaaaa:::::a c:::::::::::::::::c k:::::k  k:::::k       
 i::::i g::::::ggggg::::::ggnn:::::::::::::::n            J:::::j           a::::ac:::::::cccccc:::::c k:::::k k:::::k        
 i::::i g:::::g     g:::::g   n:::::nnnn:::::n            J:::::J    aaaaaaa:::::ac::::::c     ccccccc k::::::k:::::k         
 i::::i g:::::g     g:::::g   n::::n    n::::nJJJJJJJ     J:::::J  aa::::::::::::ac:::::c              k:::::::::::k          
 i::::i g:::::g     g:::::g   n::::n    n::::nJ:::::J     J:::::J a::::aaaa::::::ac:::::c              k:::::::::::k          
 i::::i g::::::g    g:::::g   n::::n    n::::nJ::::::J   J::::::Ja::::a    a:::::ac::::::c     ccccccc k::::::k:::::k         
i::::::ig:::::::ggggg:::::g   n::::n    n::::nJ:::::::JJJ:::::::Ja::::a    a:::::ac:::::::cccccc:::::ck::::::k k:::::k        
i::::::i g::::::::::::::::g   n::::n    n::::n JJ:::::::::::::JJ a:::::aaaa::::::a c:::::::::::::::::ck::::::k  k:::::k       
i::::::i  gg::::::::::::::g   n::::n    n::::n   JJ:::::::::JJ    a::::::::::aa:::a cc:::::::::::::::ck::::::k   k:::::k      
iiiiiiii    gggggggg::::::g   nnnnnn    nnnnnn     JJJJJJJJJ       aaaaaaaaaa  aaaa   cccccccccccccccckkkkkkkk    kkkkkkk     
        gggggg      g:::::g                                                                                                   
        g:::::gg   gg:::::g                                                                                                   
Massive Larper that swears down on his "Undoxability" and claims he has had "50+ Attempts" made on him each with a different adderess. Although he has been binned 3 times already, most of the
doxes have a lot of either inaccurate or outdated info; especially the scarcity of details on his parents. Of course as per all the other doxes made on him, he will obviously deny this one as 
well but you can feel free to DM me on discord for proof that the information in this dox is fully accurate and credible from multiple sources.

 ____            _        
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| |_) | __ _ ___ _  ___(_)
|  _ < / _` / __| |/ __|  
| |_) | (_| \__ \ | (__ _ 
|____/ \__,_|___/_|\___(_)
Ign: ignJack
Other accounts:
Pouvez aka his IRL Friend (Liam Osborne; who he gave the account to - https://www.facebook.com/liam.osborne.393)
NOTignJack 5bff2a8a-c8bb-443a-8352-38776cecf080
NOTNOTignJack 6c06fd81-ab16-42d3-9263-c2152546c050
ignJack 8515c739-e289-4963-b03c-a80a97044b8b
Jotu 7b9251d1-6538-4735-9df4-46b66e4fe160
JackOnTop 8a8f0877-6ca7-4e80-a7f7-d837a68320cc
 _____                                _   
|  __ \                              | |_ 
| |__) |__ _ __ ___  ___  _ __   __ _| (_)
|  ___/ _ \ '__/ __|/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | |  
| |  |  __/ |  \__ \ (_) | | | | (_| | |_ 
|_|   \___|_|  |___/\___/|_| |_|\__,_|_(_)
Name: Jack Hegarty, 20
DOB: 15 April 2003
Emails: theb3astbr0s165@gmail.com jedijack003@gmail.com ulbeast165@gmail.com jack@greenfeets.co.uk raidlabnetwork@gmail.com ignjack165@gmail.com 
Education: Knowsley Community College (Stockbridge Ln, Huyton, Liverpool L36 3SD, United Kingdom)
Previous Education: Fulwood Academy (Black Bull Ln, Fulwood, Preston PR2 9YR, United Kingdom)
Known IPs: 
Parents' Address: 32 Westfield Drive Preston PR26TH
Social Media: https://soundcloud.com/theb3astbr0s (Funny), https://www.facebook.com/jack.hegarty.9
Pics: https://imgur.com/a/Mdwsr3G, https://imgur.com/a/kdCmt72, https://prnt.sc/uzpJ26j-wp7Y, https://prnt.sc/k7cBlLLkwWv-

Name: Shargon Hegarty, 43
DOB: 15 March 1979
Emails: sharon.hegarty@blueyonder.co.uk, sharonhegarty@gmail.com, sharonfhegarty@aol.com
Number: (1772) 793 097
Address: 32 Westfield Drive Preston PR26TH
Occupation: Secretary at Fylde Dairies (30 July 2008 to 11 December 2012), Suresite Accountants Assistant & RPing Author
Social Media: https://www.tiktok.com/@howshar79, https://twitter.com/sharonhegarty?lang=en, https://www.facebook.com/sharon.hegarty.98
Pics: https://prnt.sc/AVoGNpIAra9q
Pic of her books: https://prnt.sc/KYfbEXpGOKgP

Name: Howard Thomas Hegarty, 49
DOB: 8 December 1973
Emails: howard_hegarty@hotmail.com, howard.hegarty@cliftonfoodservices.co.uk
Address: 32 Westfield Drive Preston PR26TH
Previous Occupations: Director at Fylde Dairies (30 July 2008 to 11 December 2012), Greenfeets Distribution (9-15 Ribbleton Ln, Preston PR1 5EZ, United Kingdom) 14/10/2018-26/10/2019