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-fucking annoying for several years
-making ppls life a hell
-im bored and i think they deserve it..

-so lets get into it!-
-ill add more ppl and details in other doxxes, this one is small cuz i did it quickly-
-ill leave out some of the ppl on a level of how much i hate them-
-and last, karma is free, these deserve it-
-again, i apologize for such a small doxx but i will release more detailed ones later-
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Name: Maxim Machovič
Info: Small ass annoying nigga which loves snitching and other bs. Does NOT know how a convo works.
Address: Slovakia, Trnava, (idk more)
Photo: https://api.sportnet.online/v1/users/6279675b71bc07af5999fbd9/photo/a6949a3f-4c40-4de8-b2f8-6f0f7e060066
Passwords: -ill give him a chance-
Number: +421 917 557 346
IP: -dynamic-
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@maximanpro1
Name: Juraj Tomášik
Info: Hella annoying ass nigga which is fucking mentally ill, loves to annoy ppl and make them have problems with anything. I hate this one the most. Please have fun.
Address: Slovakia, Trnava-Modranka, Malinová 16
Photo: https://ibb.co/CBbjT98
House photo: https://maps.app.goo.gl/3eiFncdtXkB8yru68
Passwords: The only valuable thing to him, is Roblox. He probably has 2FA on it though, if you can sim-swap him u can sell the account or keep it. Well, only if u can find it.
Number: +421 905 771 366
IP: -dynamic-
Other: Idiot ahh parents, cant make him behave. Get his roblox and he is dead lol.
Name: Norbert Adamča
Info: Sometimes nice, sometimes annoying. What can I say.. And also does NOT know how a convo works.
Address: Slovakia, Pata, and has family members in Slovakia, Sereď.
Photo: https://ibb.co/dGNqQRK
Passwords: -ill give him a chance-
Number: +421 918 154 716
IP: -dynamic-
Other: Parents divorced. Father has the same name.
thanks for checking out this simple doxx, i hope that u dont have to deal with stupid niggas like this