ideals hvh
gn nn
|we know you have alot of private cheats but nobody cares                                    |
dads name: Alexander Boucher
moms name: Gabriela Boucher
moms maiden name: Gabriela Sinsteda
home address: 591 Riversville Rd, Greenwich CT, 06831.
dads phone number: 860-561-1861
home phone: 860-561-1750
moms number: 860-983-7329
name: Andrew Boucher
age: 16
birthday: 06/12/2004
school: greenwich high school
grade: 10
p1. AP Calculus Sebastian Shock
p2. AP Spanish Literature Allison Tether
p3. School Band Emery Field
p4. Honors Biology Seth Fairsfield
p5. Health Grade 10 Cerian Backley
p6. Home Education Timothy Lentworth
p7. Honors English 10 Cindy Halors
p8. AP Computer Science A Sebastian Shock
phone number: 860-983-8031
snapchat: idealsq.q
ip address:
            not his vpn btw,
           actual home connection
skeet uid:1594
fatal uid:8014
ot uid:13k something
password: sethantony11
password: urganzoy122

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