*******     *******   **     **    ****  **                                           **       **                          **                 
/**////**   **/////** //**   **    */// *//                                           /**      /**                         /**                 
/**    /** **     //** //** **    /* **/* **  ******         ******  *****   ******   /**      /**       *****  ******     /**  ******   ******
/**    /**/**      /**  //***     /*/* /*/** //////**       //**//* **///** //////**  /**      /******  **///**////**   ****** //////** //**//*
/**    /**/**      /**   **/**    /*/ ** /**  *******        /** / /*******  *******  /**      /**///**/*******   **   **///**  *******  /** / 
/**    ** //**     **   ** //**   /* //  /** **////**        /**   /**////  **////**  /**      /**  /**/**////   **   /**  /** **////**  /**   
/*******   //*******   **   //**  / *****/**//******** *****/***   //******//******** *** *****/****** //****** ******//******//********/***   
///////     ///////   //     //    ///// //  //////// ///// ///     //////  //////// /// ///// /////    ////// //////  //////  //////// ///    

Reason: Scammed peoples on the money

Proof: https://cdn.okrli.online/U2QhzlK.png (his banned account on funpay and this is not a advertising)

Full Name: Farafontov Ilya Nikolayevich

Phone number: +79024446035


Host name:

ISP: LLC "KomTehCentr"

Region: Sverdlovsk Oblast

City: Yekaterinburg

Address: Yekaterinburg, Nachdiva Onufriev street 30

 ######     ##     ##   ##   ####    ##       ##  ##             ####    ##   ##   ####    ######   ##  ##   ######   #####   
 ##        ####    ### ###    ##     ##       ##  ##            ##  ##   ### ###  ##  ##     ##     ##  ##   ##       ##  ##  
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 ####     ######   ## # ##    ##     ##        ####             ## ###   ## # ##  ##  ##     ##     ######   ####     #####   
 ##       ##  ##   ##   ##    ##     ##         ##              ##       ##   ##  ##  ##     ##     ##  ##   ##       ####    
 ##       ##  ##   ##   ##    ##     ##         ##       ##     ##   #   ##   ##  ##  ##     ##     ##  ##   ##       ## ##   
 ##       ##  ##   ##   ##   ####    ######     ##               ####    ##   ##   ####      ##     ##  ##   ######   ##  ##  


Full Name: Natalia Yuryevna Farafontova

Phone number: +79221377990

ID card: 03357760762

Date of birthday 08.05.1977

Address: Yekaterinburg, Nachdiva Onufriev street 30

Bank card: 54801******3255

Email: nat.karelina2010@yandex.ru

Possible Passwords: 181001140112