Credit to Bear for the full doxbin
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| .---------\         /----------------- \         /------------. |
| |          `-`--`--'                    `--'--'-'             | |
| | Reason for Dox: Murder attempt, Suicide Attempt             | |
| | Personal Info:                                              | |
| | Full Name: Kaden Jamah Albury                               | |
| | Online Alias: Keiron, iKeiron,KeiTheGachaQueen              | |
| | Email:                                  | |
| | Phone Number: 1(242)362-2964                                | |
| | Country: Bahamas                                            | |
| | City: Nassau                                                | |
| | Island: New Providence                                      | |
| | Address: Coral Harbour P.O. Box N-7661                      | |
| | School: R.M Bailey                                          | |
| | I.P Address:                                     | |
| | Roblox:      | |
| | Twitter: @keironalbury (suspended)                          | |
| | Instagram: @kaidenalbury                                    | |
| |  Discord: Keiron#9999 (Deleted) New: ????????????????????#2021             | |
| |  Eye Color: Brown                                           | |
| |  Hair Color: Brown                                          | |
| |  Race: Mixed                                                | |
| |  Height: 5'9                                                | |
| |  Weight: 180                                                | |
| |  Pictures of him: (Coming soon)                             | |
| |_____________________________________________________________| |
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