_________ .__    .__                 _________ .__                            ________                
\_   ___ \|  |__ |__| ____    ____   \_   ___ \|  |__   ____   ____    ____   \______ \   _______  ___
/    \  \/|  |  \|  |/    \  / ___\  /    \  \/|  |  \ /  _ \ /    \  / ___\   |    |  \ /  _ \  \/  /
\     \___|   Y  \  |   |  \/ /_/  > \     \___|   Y  (  <_> )   |  \/ /_/  >  |    `   (  <_> >    < 
 \______  /___|  /__|___|  /\___  /   \______  /___|  /\____/|___|  /\___  /  /_______  /\____/__/\_ \
        \/     \/        \//_____/           \/     \/            \//_____/           \/            \/

Reason for dox: Ching chong boy, rapes little girls and forces people into nudes, he got ran by ryanqt#1080 just like everyone does LOL

.___        _____                            __  .__               
|   | _____/ ____\___________  _____ _____ _/  |_|__| ____   ____  
|   |/    \   __\/  _ \_  __ \/     \\__  \\   __\  |/  _ \ /    \ 
|   |   |  \  | (  <_> )  | \/  Y Y  \/ __ \|  | |  (  <_> )   |  \
|___|___|  /__|  \____/|__|  |__|_|  (____  /__| |__|\____/|___|  /
         \/                        \/     \/                    \/ 

Legal name: hy huynh
School: Alief middle school
State: Texas, Houston
Legal age: 15
Address: 4434 Yupon Ridge Dr, Houston, TX 77072
Date of birth: 8th January 2004
Images: https://gyazo.com/3044fe1ff63e7bafd6b0228198154994
Reason for dox: He decided to leak my friends information then flex with his address, what a ching chong.
Rental house: $1030
Previous IPs: Unknown

  _________          .___.__       .__                       .___.__        
 /   _____/ ____   __| _/|__|____  |  |     _____   ____   __| _/|__|____   
 \_____  \ /  _ \ / __ | |  \__  \ |  |    /     \_/ __ \ / __ | |  \__  \  
 /        (  <_> ) /_/ | |  |/ __ \|  |__ |  Y Y  \  ___// /_/ | |  |/ __ \_
/_______  /\____/\____ | |__(____  /____/ |__|_|  /\___  >____ | |__(____  /
        \/            \/         \/             \/     \/     \/         \/ 

Social media platforms:

ran by ryanqt#1080