The history of cancer and cringe---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OWNER - zahh discord: zahh#4402 Reason: pretending be big, faking skeet crack, faking using real skeet, selling fake cfgs on shoppy, spreading fake info, scamming, trying to dox my friend with fake informations. INFORMATIONS: name: Bartek Klonowski facebook: history of this kid: This kid is a newcommer that starts hvh in 2019 met by some guy at wargames when he was trashtalking russians, he started playing with osiris and pretending to be big with it against russians with no hacks (cringe 100%) he started using otc with cfgs from person he met, this person teached him to play hvh on wingmans and hvh servers after some months they stopped playing together cuz zahh started cheating in fiveM RP servers, after 7 months zahh came back to hvh and started again licking ass of this person (we can say it easly zahh started playing in 2020). After 2 weeks zahh made first hvh squad where he started getting views by using fake skeet crack, making fake invite giveways, and selling fake invites, he started being toxic and autistic so he started trashtalking and attacking ppls that he know IRL that how he lose so much friends. After some weeks he tried to download onetap v3 crack and he ratted his computer and lost his discord so he started again with skeet crack and baiting russians for it, now after this shit he thinks hes the bigges hvher and pretending like hes top of everything and spreading fake info against servers he dont like, like 14club or laserver. screens against him