ahhh greetings one n all i would like to inform you about a catagory 4 pred that delights in humilating others, has no remorse for humanity and/or no desire in morality

he also thinks he's king shit n tries to compete with other hackers as well

now before we begin let me introduce myself:

"i am he that is unseen, & unknown"

now who is this catgory 4 pred you might ask? some of you know but some of you don't. his name is cody anthony hodges. 
Now you also might be asking what does Cody Anthony Hodges do?

The list are as follows: 
he blackmails 
he harasses 
he also sends inappropriate nudes 
he also interacts with minors and many more.
he also is the cause for the recent death of a minor 

We have tried multiple times to get this man either booted offline doxxed or on other occasions many times get the cops involved, 

however to those options they did not work

here is the intel i like to share with you all

Name: Cody Anthony Hodges
age: 30
address: 144 Erie Ave
Street name: Bassemer
region: Alabama
City: Houeytown
County: Jefferson
Country: United States
Zip Code: 35023
if you can please dox, boot or do something to him

social medias: 
Instagram: Ghost_we_are_anonymous, TheDivineJuggalette2023(alt)
Discord: matser.diluc

thank you for taking the time to read this paste if you want more info about cody please view my comments about him

he has black hair, weighs probably 110 - 130 pounds,