Doxing Template
The key to success is having a unique and sexy arrangement to post the information.
Here's a sample template that I just created:
~ DOX dropped by (Your username or way of contact, e.g. Skype or XXMP)
Target: (Name) / (IP) / (Alias)
IP info:
Other information:
Along with the template you can decorate it with this text to art Website:
                                                                                                                                       Using their Skype
Skype is one of the most broken p2p programs out there, and it quite simple to find IP's
through unless the user is running their Skype on a different connection.
Resolving their IP
Resolving their IP is very simple and barely requires you to use your brain. First off, you
can resolve using a packet sniffer. Wireshark a known packet sniffer is what we're going to use.
You can download it here:
After downloading simply launch it, if you're a beginner it might seem quite confusing,
don't worry I will guide you! To start off select what Network you are using, most people use
"WiFi" so click that if you're unsure, and press Start. Now you're going to want to add a filter.
So, find a box that says "Filter:" it should be located at the top left and enter this inside it:
ip.src == YOUR IPV4 ADDRESS and udp.srcport == SKYPE PORT
Fill in the blanks with your IPv4 address which you can find from going into Command
Prompt and typing “ipconfig”, and enter your skype port. After adding the filter press your
"enter" key. Now all you have to do is call the person who’s IP you're trying to get. Once they
accept you should be spammed with a bunch of packets from an IP, this is their IP. Make sure to
check if it is a proxy or VPN just in case.
Another method is using the Skypedeob, a.k.a the deobfuscated version of Skype. All you
need to do is open the "Enable logging" file, start Skype, click "view profile" on one of your
Skype contacts that is online and then open the debuglog in Notepad++ and ctrl+f this text in
<Name>.*(r)[1­9] make sure you replace <Name> with the username of the skype. Click
Regular Expression and hit enter and you should see an IP, if not just keep on clicking enter, and
if it still doesn’t show they’re probably offline. Here is the download to a recent Skypedeob
If none of those seem to work, you can go for an old fashion IP Logger. One of the
easiest but also less productive way is IP logging as most people can distinguish what is an IP
logger and what is not. Of course it’s easy to make the logger but sending it and getting someone
to click it is just a hassle, unless the person doesn’t pay attention to anything or knows nothing of
IP logging. Some methods I use are using HTML to your advantage. If you use a program known
as Teamspeak there is a huge bug, the bug is that Teamspeak allows HTML. I will show you
how to spoof your IP logger link so that it can show as anything you want. Here is how you do it:
[url=IPLOGGERHERE]Fake link here[/url]
This is what you’re going to send your victim if you’re in Teamspeak. As you can see,
where is says “IPLOGGERHERE” is where you put the link of your IP logger, and where is says
“Fake link here” is where you’re going to put anything you want. You could simply just put
“click here” or you could be creative and make a link. This is my example:
Here are some IP Loggers that I can vouch for:
Acquiring and Using an Email
                                                                                                                                 doxing with an email. 
An email can almost always be a good trace, unless you find something like a 10minute mail.
Acquiring Email through Facebook
A very broadcasted method, not sure if it works anymore but pretty much you sign into
your Facebook account, make sure to create a fake account without any private information on it.
Now you want to import your contacts from Skype, so find that and sign in then send a request to
your contacts. After doing that head over to this link: then click the hidden emails and complete the
captcha and the email should be there.
Another method is importing your Facebook contacts through Yahoo to find their email.
Basically create a Yahoo and click the top left where it says contacts and choose Facebook, then
login and import the contact you want to and voila the email should come up.
In the case that you only have the email you can search Skype for an account connected
with it. Simply input the full email into the "add contacts" and if there is a Skype connected it
should pop up.
Forgot Password
For Gmail accounts the Forgot Password button is quite superficial and can sometimes
really help your dox. So basically for Gmail try logging in, after entering the email click "Forgot
Password", it should bring you to a page which says "enter the last password you remember". On
the same screen the Username they have chosen should show on top. Sometimes it is a username
they use and other times it's their name. You can also go more forward after that and check what
recovery email/phone they have chosen and try to guess it. (Not likely to guess with a Phone but
can be easy for an email).
                                                                                                                                    PayPal Method
This used to give you tons of information like their address, phone number and such but
now it only gives you the Name, the only way you'll get the address and stuff is if they send you
money. The method is quite simple all you need to do is request or send money to the email you
have. Once you do that there should be a notification in your Activity and it should say their
name. Remember sometimes people put fake leads so don't always go for it.
                                                                                                                                Finding Social Media
There are many sites you can use to find social media and accounts on targets. They
search the web through tons of social media with the email you give them and return every bit of
information they find for you. Here's a list of some social media finders:
                                                                                                                                    Using their Name
Using the target's name is also very helpful. If you have their name then you can possibly
find out their address, phone number, and relatives. Remember you cannot use their name if they
are below the age of 18. If they aren't below the age of 18 and you know where they live just
enter the information in the sites posted below. If you don't know where they live but have their
name then you all you can basically do is look at the locations information on some of their
social media or accounts or use the IP address geographical location.
Here are some sites to do the lookups on:  (Canada)  (UK)  (UK)  (Sweden)  (Denmark)
https://find­person­  (Germany)
Using their Number
Just like the name search you can do a lookup on their phone number, except you do not
need a location on the user just their number. If nothing shows up you can just search Google,
sometimes phone numbers are posted publicly, but haven’t been connected to Whitepages.
Here are some sites to do number lookups:  (Denmark)  (Canada)
https://www.goyellow.da/  (Germany)
                                                                                                                                        Using their IP
Using the target's IP address is a very powerful way to dox, if you're quite advanced an IP
is all you need to leak the user’s information.
Geolocating the IP
Basically head over to the website and input the IP address
then click search. After doing that you should be granted a rough location on the user, along with
their hostname, and other information. Remember that this information is pretty inaccurate and
you should not think that it is their exact location.
ISP Doxing
Before doing this make sure you know what you are doing, never call from your home or
mobile phone! Always use spoofed numbers!
ISP doxing is basically when you call up the users ISP (Internet Service Provider) and SE
(Social Engineer) the support into giving you information on the IP address. You can get basic
information such as full names, addresses, phone numbers, emails or you can go further and get
SSN's and Credit cards. I will not be providing a guide on how to do this, there are a ton out
there just search for some.
Searching the IP
In addition you may also search the IP address, as you can sometimes find another Dox, a
leaked database or sometimes sites publicly post their IP ban list. Just go to google and search for
their IP address with quotation marks. Ex: “”
                                                                                                                                    Using their Alias'
Searching the target's alias(s) is also a good idea unless their alias is "Mike123". Of
course searching google for Mike will lead you with millions of results which most likely won’t
have any connection with the user. If the user has an alias such as "Carrotcake123lololol" or
something along the lines of that it will be much easier. To search with their Skype you can
simply type this in the search bar "Skype: (Username)" make sure to include the quotations.
                                                                                                                                   Getting their SSN’s
Grabbing the target’s SSN is relatively simple but it costs a little BTC. It’s recommended
to hide yourself before doing any of this because it is very illegal. So head over to a website
known as and sign up. You can do this on some from the US or UK. Then
deposit money into your account, once you have enough funds head over to the search bar and
enter all the information you have on the target. After that you should see a couple entries and
then just buy ‘em and you’re done.
                                                                                                                              Getting their Credit Report
Another illegal and spooky thing to provide on your dox. There are a couple of sites that
help you obtain credit reports but the only way to successfully get one is by having tons of your
target’s information. There is no possible way of actually gaining credit reports without firstly
having a full dox on the person, which is (If they are +18) their DOB, address, phone number,
full name, and more. If they aren’t +18 then you’ll have to dox their parents.
Here are a couple of sites that can aid you with credit reports:
                                                                                                                                Getting their Ancestor’s
This unlike other information is very easy to obtain. All that you have to do is look up the
sites below and enter in the information it asks you for. Along with that you can look at their
Family on Facebook and perhaps they have added their family to it.
Here are some ancestry search sites:
                                                                                                                                Viewing their House Picture
Attaining the target’s house picture is very simple. Head over to Google Maps and in the
search bar enter in the target’s address and in a matter of seconds their house picture should
show up. If you want to get a more close view you can click the “earth’ and use the scroll or +
and – buttons on the website to get closer.
Along with this there is something known as exif­data. Basically once you’re uploading
an image to a site you can possibly cache exif­data that can lead to coordinates of where the
image was taken. Anyways, head over to one of the sites below and upload then search the image
and you should end up with results.
Here are some websites to use:­photo­data­find­understand/
                                                                                                                                Grabbing their House Information
Now I’ll show you how to get the target’s house information such as the number of
bedrooms, bathrooms, how large the yard and lot is, etc. All you have to do is go on one of the
websites below and enter in the address of the user.
Here are some sites you can use:
                                                                                                                                        Using Databases
Database, a file or list of information something analyzes and gathers on users. In short
words a database is more or less a text file in which information of users is stored, like
passwords, emails, usernames, IPs, and much more. Liking this so far? Well, unfortunately
databases are rather hard to find or easy but you need to pay a crazy sum of money, at least the
more useful ones. But this does not mean that there aren’t any good ones for free, no there are
plenty such as the MPGH forums database and 000webhost which have been leaked on many
sites. So you don’t want to pay $100 for a database right? No problem, there are a ton of
websites that have gathered hundreds of databases in which you can use for just $2 BTC a day.
One of those websites is known as, and just input one of the following
registries: Usernames, emails, phone numbers, names, and IP addresses. In result you will get a
password (Hashed or real), email, username, and more.
Here are a couple free databases and sites to get dbs from:
MPGH Database: Database:
000webhost Database:
Social Engineering the User
The amount of times I’ve done these techniques and succeeded. Many times when I end
up with a blank page I go to a last resort, faking a Skype account and messaging the user and
SE’ing them to give me information. Here is a quick guide on how I SE through Skype.
Let’s get a setting first, for example I will be faking a PayPal Support member.
Me: “Would like to add you as a contact…blah blah blah”
Target: “Accepts.”, “Hello who is this?”
Me: “Hello, this is Dan with the PayPal support team, we are currently having an attack and
encourage all users to change their passwords. Unfortunately you may not manually reset them,
we have to reset them for you because they will potentially get logged by the attackers.”
Target: “How did you find my Skype?”
Me: “We are PayPal, a large organisation that surveys many users and connect much of their
information, but in the act that this is the improper account I ask of your email to confirm your
Target: “Ok, it’s ……………
Me: “Aaaaah, yes I found you. May I just ask for another method of access such as a card linked,
phone number, address, or current password?”
Target: “Yeah, my password is *********.”
Me: “Alright let me just check here, yep everything looks fine. Now what do you wish your new
password to be?”
Target: “I guess change it to **********.”
Me: “Very fell, the process will take up to 1 hour, please do not login to PayPal until we send out
emails stating that you can. Thank you for your time and patience, Goodbye.”
Target: “Cya m9.”
And it can be done like this, or so this is how I usually do it. Although very skeptical
people will usually either decline and block you, or just be notorious trolls. If they get quite
curious though and say the PayPal site looks fine you can just say, “Our site is currently being
controlled by hackers and they currently have stolen up to $1 million dollars. We are currently
moving and changing our database and we need you to choose a new password.” Or something
along those lines. Customize this however you want and have fun.
Picture to Account
Basically when someone posts a picture it sometimes can be taken from a photo hosting
website, you can right click it and click it and open in a new tab and sometimes it will lead to
imgur or something.
Or if you have a picture of the user in real life you could reverse the image to find if there
is another profile that it is linked with. You can do this with the website known as
                                                                                                            What to do after completing a Dox
A very interesting subject that many get after completing a Dox is “What the fuck do I do
now”. Act like a badass or el1te hax0r? Sure go ahead! Or you can get a little lethal and do some
of these suggestions:
Posting Le Dox: The easiest of them is just posting the dox. Here are some sites to post doxes on:
                                                                                                                         Pizza Bombing: 
Basically, when you order many pizza’s to the address of the user, unfortunately
I’m not quite sure if this works anymore but I’ll implement it anyways. Simply head over to and order whatever you want to the person’s house. If you
intentionally order a large meal you will be prompted to confirm the order via a call to a phone.
Don’t worry, I will teach you how to make a free number in the anonymity section.
Now claimed as an illegal act, swatting is when you ring up the police and claim your
target has a bomb or is doing something worthy of a Swat team arriving and raiding the home. I
do not condone anyone to swat.
A godly website, known as craigslist is the horror point of doxing. One of my favorite
things is faking a large party at the place. All you have to do is create a thread on it exclaiming
that there will be free food, DJ, booze and many chicks and you will have a total sausage fest. In
the thread include the address, your email just in case people have questions and the date it is
occurring. (Best days of the week would have to be Friday – Sunday and the time could be from
8:00pm till 12:00am.
Although this is quite pointless unless you have like a huge net and can boot for days on
                                                                                                                            Legal action: 
If the user has done something illegal the best option is to inform the police, and
give them all the info you have (apart from the illegal stuff you gained, if you did).
Anonymity Introduction (BONUS)
What is the point of performing and posting a Dox or simply searching the internet if you
can’t cover up your tracks? Welcome to anonymity section, I will guide you on how to conceal
the light and live in only the darkness. As dark as it sounds it’s actually pleasant. Now, let us
                                                                                                                        Hiding your IP address
An IP address, a useless set of numbers right? No, your IP is something that is quite
important to you and those willing to attack you. With these magical set of numbers people may
DDoS you, dox you, and more. Here I will guide you into fully securing your IP address from
Using a VPN
A VPN also known as a Virtual Private Network, is a Network in which you connect to
the providers networks and you can do whatever on them. Almost like connecting to Starbucks
Wi­Fi. If you are planning to perform illegal activity on them I highly suggest you not to as most
log information on users and if authorities ask for it the VPN service is required to hand it over.
Benefits of having a VPN are: your IP address changes, you can visit blocked websites, and
VPN’s to use:
Cryptic’s VPN: (Favorite)
Private Internet Access:
Using Tor
Tor was pretty secure but is getting way less secure do to the government having access
to it and such. Anyways it’s still a very good program. Also you won’t be able to access HF,
Netflix and all those anti proxy sites due to Tor being blocked.
Firstly, head over to and locate your
operating system. Click your OS and download the Expert Bundle. Then, move your Tor .zip file
to wherever you would like and open it up, then click the Tor file located inside the .zip and run
the tor.exe and you're gucci. Now that you have Tor up and running we want to route most of our
applications through it. For this tutorial I'll simply use Skype and Firefox as an example.
Open up Skype and head to Tools>Options>Advanced>Connection. Now that you're
there you want to set the port type to SOCKS5 and input into the Host label and 9050
into the port (Tor runs through port 9050). Also, input 9050 into the "Use port ____ for incoming
Now for Firefox. Open up Firefox and head to Options>Advanced>Connection now click
Settings and Check the Manual Proxy Configuration box. Now, input into the SOCKS
Host label and 9050 for the port. Lastly, check Socks_v5 below the IP, now click Ok and you
should have a slower connection, but be protected by the Onion.
                                                                                                                                Using an RDP
An RDP is the acronym for Remote Desktop Protocol, basically a Windows desktop that
you can connect through remotely. This can give you a large benefit when for example you are
playing a game and want to Skype someone for contact but want to hide your IP. You don’t want
to use a VPN as that will give you a slower connection in the game so your next best option is an
RDP. There are plenty of them which you can buy or even get for free in the Marketplace on HF.
Using a VPS
A VPS is basically the Linux based RDP. I honestly think that VPS’ are better because
they have far more features. Like for instance setting up a private SOCKS5 proxy on your VPS.
Here’s a tutorial on how to do that on CentOS 5, every line is a command:
yum update
yum upgrade
yum install make automake gcc gcc­c++ gcc­g77 nano wget
tar xvf kingate­2.1.tar.gz
cd kingate­2.1
sh ./configure ­­prefix=/usr/local/kingate
make install
nano /usr/local/kingate/etc/kingate.conf (find socks off and change it to on, find socks_port
and change it to whatever you like or leave it default, then save by CTRL X)
mv kingate.init.d /etc/init.d/kingate
chmod +x /etc/init.d/kingate
service iptables save
service iptables stop
chkconfig iptables off
Then to start it type in:
/etc/init.d/kingate start
The proxy IP will be your main VPS IP, and port is whatever you set it to.
                                                                                                                                Using Proxies
Basically just like Tor except you don’t need to install anything. All you have to do is go
scraping for some good proxies, although most people in my opinion don’t use proxies for a soul
purpose of staying anonymous over Google Chrome but rather while cracking. Anyways it’s
quite simple, all you have to do is do some searches on “proxies” and you will be bombed with
pages full of live proxies. Or if you’re quite the lazy gentleman you could pay $1­$4 for a proxy
scraper from HF, which supplies you with Lifetime proxies, around 3­5k per day.
                                                                                                                             Removing your Dox
Have you already been doxed, and need it removed a.s.a.p.? Well congratulations you’ve
located yourself to the right section, these are some methods that will teach you how to remove
doxes. If your dox is on a website known as Pastebin you’re guaranteed going to be able to
remove it, other sites not so much as people might ask for BTC to remove the dox. Anyways
here are some methods on removing the Dox.
                                                                                                                                Report Abuse
As much of a meme it sounds it actually works on Pastebin. Basically, click the “report
abuse” button and create a Pastebin account and file a complaint against it too and it should
disappear in around 3­5 business days.
                                                                                                                               Updating the Dox
This is very simple and works really well. Head over to Pastebin and locate your Dox,
then copy the whole paste along with the title and create a copy, before posting it tweak the
information so it’s very off but don’t switch the social media and such just the dangerous
information such as IP’s, addresses, names and such. Once you post it, it should update the post
and take over the position of the old paste with the real info.
                                                                                                                                Removing Cache
This will delete all the information from deleted/removed pastes. To define that basically
when you report a post it gets junked, although removed from Pastebin it is still available when
people search for your dox on Google and such. All you have to do to remove the information is
head over to this website:
Now enter in the URL of the dox and then it’ll say some other stuff. Make sure the page
has been removed, you will get denied if the page is a live page, like someone made their own
website and posted the dox on there, it won’t work until the owner of the website deletes the
                                                                                                                    Getting a Fake Phone Number
If you’re just looking to call people, you can use Skype and get a free month subscription
to unlimited calls (NO SMS). My personal favorite is this:
You can also check out this awesome article:­fake­mobile­numbers­to­bypass­verification/
                                                                                                                                Using XXMP
Using XXMP over Skype is needed if you’re wanting to be anonymous. It offers
encrypted chats and connections so you are anonymous when chatting with people.
                                                                                                                                Using BTC
Another thing you want to add to your list is using BTC instead of PayPal and such. My
pros are that it offers securable banking and money usage, it is very unlikely someone will hack
into your account. Another point to add is that it doesn’t reveal info when you send money,
unlike PayPal that hands your Address, Phone number, email and all that to someone BTC does
not collect that info and sending money is secure. Also there are no worries about someone
charging back because you can’t.
                                                                                                                            Deleting Accounts
A huge part of the information in doxes are gathered from Social Media that have much
leaked info on them. Here I will show you how to delete your accounts.
Microsoft Emails:
Skype: Although you can’t actually delete your Skype account but you can remove it from the
user search. All you have to do is contact Skype Support and tell them you would like to delete
your account and they’ll do the rest for you.
Again I would like to thank you for reading Savage Doxing and I would love
feedback. If you have any questions feel free to private message me and I hope for the best in
your further Private Investigations.
Another Bonus I thought I’d add: (LOOK BELOW)
                                                                                                                            Jacking accounts tutorials
                                                                                                                                How to jack a Skype:
Before we begin, I would like to list the requirements the account you want to "hack" must meet.
● The account must display a Birth date. (Shown here:
● The account must display a Country. (Shown here:
● It would also very much help if the account displayed a first and last name, this is not
completely necessary but improves your chances of taking the account greatly.
If the account meets the requirements you can more than likely take it.
Let's begin!
● First, find an account you want to take that meets the requirements listed above.
● Now go to
● Once you're on the correct page it will ask you to "Choose a help topic". Choose
"Account and Password".
● You will then be asked to "Choose a related problem". Choose "Password / SkypeName
problems", then click the "Next >" button.
● Now it will take you to a page that asks you to "Select a contact method". Click "Email
Here is where you need to fill out some details about the account you want to take.
● For "Country or region" put the country that was listed on the account.
● For "Preferred language" put English.
● For "Your first name" and "Your last name" put their first and last name, if the account
didn't display a first or last name and only displayed the username then for the first and
last name put that username for both.
● For "Your email address" put an email address you have access too.
● For "Your Skype name" put the Skype username you're wanting to take.
● Now skip everything else and find "What email address did you provide when you
● For "What email address did you provide when you registered?" put "I don't remember
which one I used".
● Now find "What is your date of birth (dd/mm/yy)?".
● For "What is your date of birth (dd/mm/yy)?" put the Birth date that was displayed on the
● Now find "When did you create your Skype account (mm/yy)?".
● For "When did you create your Skype account (mm/yy)?" if it's an "OG" account I
suggest putting 02/04, if it's just some random person I'd try putting something like
02/12. Just take a guess really!
● Now find "Please provide five names that are in your Contacts list." this part can be a
little tricky but do not worry! Here is what I do, I either add the account I want to take on
5 different Skype's and list all the Skypes there. Or if I know 5 contacts the person has
added that is a really big benefit! So if you know 5 contacts, be sure to put them there. If
not, make 5 Skype's and add the account. Or you can try just putting random usernames.
It's a hit or miss really, unless you know for sure 5 contacts they have added.
● Okay, skip everything and find What name (first and last) did you provide when you
registered for your account?".
● For "What name (first and last) did you provide when you registered for your account?"
put the first and last name that was displayed on the account. Again, if no first or last
name was display. Put the username twice.
● Now find "Which country did you select when you registered?".
● For "Which country did you select when you registered?" put the country displayed on
the account.
Now we're done filling out everything we know about the account, hooray! We must now list our
"problem" to Skype so they can give us a password reset. ;)
For "Subject" put "I do not know my Skype login".
Skip "If your question relates to Skype on a particular device, please specify which it is?"
For "Description" put "Hello, Skype live chat redirected me here. They said you will be able to
change the email on my Skype account. I have forgotten my password to my Skype account and
when I try to reset my password with email it says its not in records. I think I forgot which email
I used on my account when I signed up. Can you help me please?"
Now click the "Send" button!