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Nelson Bishop
Sara Dowling
Shane Livingston
Meredith Mcbee
Fergus Foley
Lowry Martin 

Nelson Lewis Bishop (Father) 
214 520 1077 - 678 731 0409 - 404 285 0017
4401 Emerson Ave
Dallas, TX 75205
Known relatives show as the following:

Patrick Andrew Phelan
Age 52
Fred Henry Skey
Age 74
Patricia Riordan
Age 61
Patricia Pelkowski
Age 51

Sara J Dowling (Spouse to Nelson Lewis Bishop, Mother to Henry Nelson Bishop) 
386 326 0036 - 229 721 5527
4401 Emerson Ave
Dallas, TX 75205
Known relatives show as the following:
 John E Bishop
Age 67
Erin E McCabe
Age 54
Nelson Lewis Bishop
Age 59
Robert Arthor Dugger
Age 56
Patricia Pelkowski
Age 51
Elizabeth Izabeth Abeth
Age 47
Jonathan Bruce Exume
Age 44
Annelle Shope
Age 81