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├ name: Artur Gagekovich Azaryan                                                                                   
├ addres: 37 Krivorotova str.                                                        
├ age: 15 y.o
├ class: 8a
├ school: 71 school schukina 79
├ city: Astrakhan city 
├ phone: +7 960 858-93-78
├ Region: Astrakhan Oblast, Southern Federal District
├ Operator: Vympel Communications , Beeline
├ Location on the map: Zvezdnaya street, 53, Astrakhan, Astrakhan region, Russia, 414022 [46°21'17.6"N 48°03'09.7"E]
├ Country: Russian Federation
├ Nearest place: MTS salon-shop Telephone operator
├ social networks: VK: https://vk.com/@id743342769
-                            brother                                 -
├ name: Azaryan Garik Gagekovich 
├ age: 15 years 
├ city: Astrakhan
├ does not study, graduated from the school on shchukina street 79 school number 71
├ address: 37 Krivorotova str.
├ number: +7 960 861 8827
The arrangement is exactly the same as Arthur's
-                            mother                                  -
├ name: Larisa Azaryan
├ city: Astrakhan
├ Birthday: 1983-05-04
├ not studying, long ago graduated from school, approximately 30-34 years old.
├ residence and work: 37 Krivorotova St. (they have a personal store at home, they all work there).
├ phone: +7 964 882-63-69
├ social networks: https://ok.ru/profile/573807442313
├ Data of SJEK courier service:
├ Ohanyan Ruzannna
├ Ohanyan Larisa
├ SberSpasibo Bonus Program:
├ Birthday: 04.05.1983
├ Date of order: 11.09.2021
The arrangement is exactly the same as Arthur's and brother