/  Stay to the end   \                        _    _      _ _ _     _           _ _ 
|     for the HOS    |                       | |  | |    | | | |   | |         | (_)
\____________________/                       | |__| | ___| | | |__ | | __ _  __| |_ 
         !  !                                |  __  |/ _ \ | | '_ \| |/ _` |/ _` | |
         !  !                                | |  | |  __/ | | |_) | | (_| | (_| | |
         L_ !                                |_|  |_|\___|_|_|_.__/|_|\__,_|\__,_|_|
        / _)!                                        
       / /__L
 _____/ (____)                                   Originally made by rival#1000
        (____)                                  Heavily improved on by log#1000
 _____  (____)                                  Starting leads given by rade#0001
         !  !
         !  !
|                                              ___ _  _ _____ ___  ___                                                   |
|                                             |_ _| \| |_   _| _ \/ _ \                                                  |
|                                              | || .` | | | |   / (_) |                                                 |
|                                             |___|_|\_| |_| |_|_\\___/                                                  |
| This dox was originally made because Hellbladi was racist online, constantly spamming the n-word yet being whiter than |
|    snow itself, scamming for nitro like the pooron he is, closet-cheating and getting others banned on Da-Hood.        |
|                                                                                                                        |
|                        Here is an expose video to give you some background context on Hellbladi                        |
|                                          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG7BsDMsbiY                                   |
|                                                                                                                        |
|                                       Inquiries can be sent to rival#1000 or log#1000                                  |
|                                         ___ ___ ___  ___  ___  _  _   _   _                                            |
|                                        | _ \ __| _ \/ __|/ _ \| \| | /_\ | |                                           |
|                                        |  _/ _||   /\__ \ (_) | .` |/ _ \| |__                                         |
|                                        |_| |___|_|_\|___/\___/|_|\_/_/ \_\____|                                        |
|                                                                                                                        |
|                                                   INCLUDES FACE                                                        |
| First Name: Kanan   (Hellbladi claimed this to be false - This is invalidated in the DEBUNKED section - %80)           |
| Last Name: Hamidli   (This last name was gotten through his brother's youtube channel - %80)                           |
| Age: 16   (This age was given to us by rade - %60 Chance that it's correct as Hellbladi claimed this to be false)      |
| Phone Number: +944 55 740 45 48   (Confirmed by Hellbladi and Nursi - 100%)                                            |
|                                                                                                                        |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                      |                           ___ _   ___ ___                            |                          |
|                      |                          | __/_\ / __| __|                           |                          |
|                      |                          | _/ _ \ (__| _|                            |                          |
|                      |                          |_/_/ \_\___|___|                           |                          |
|                      |                                                                      |                          |
|                      |                            MINI SECTION                              |                          |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                      |                     Full Picture of Hellbladi's Face                 |                          |
|                      |            https://im.ge/i/qoVvwp | https://ibb.co/8dsFWY2           |                          |
|                      |                                                                      |                          |
|                      |                       Hellbladi's Feet / Shoes                       |                          |
|                      |            https://im.ge/i/qXAaPY | https://ibb.co/99Hd6yr           |                          |
|                      |                                                                      |                          |
|                      |              Blurred Snapchat Picture of Hellbladi's Face            |                          |
|                      |            https://im.ge/i/qXAVTK | https://ibb.co/Hn838kN           |                          |
|                      |                                                                      |                          |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                                         _    ___   ___   _ _____ ___ ___  _  _                                         |
|                                        | |  / _ \ / __| /_\_   _|_ _/ _ \| \| |                                        |
|                                        | |_| (_) | (__ / _ \| |  | | (_) | .` |                                        |
|                                        |____\___/ \___/_/ \_\_| |___\___/|_|\_|                                        |
|                                                                                                                        |
|                                                     INCLUDES IP                                                        |
| Country: Azerbaijan   (Confirmed by Hellbladi - 100%)                                                                  |
| City: Baku   (Confirmed by Hellbladi - 100%)                                                                           |
| Apartment: https://im.ge/i/dn057r | https://ibb.co/9pQvCCS  (I explain why this is a estimate in the DEBUNKED Section) |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                      |                                ___ ___                               |                          |
|                      |                               |_ _| _ \                              |                          |
|                      |                                | ||  _/                              |                          |
|                      |                               |___|_|                                |                          |
|                      |                                                                      |                          |
|                      |                              MINI SECTION                            |                          |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                      |                              IP Address                              |                          |
|                      |                                             |                          |
|                      |                                 ISP                                  |                          |
|                      |                           Teleport IP BLK1                           |                          |
|                      |                                  AS                                  |                          |
|                      |                         AS196961 Teleport LLC                        |                          |
|                      |                               Latitude                               |                          |
|                      |                               40.3909                                |                          |
|                      |                              Longitude                               |                          |
|                      |                               49.8759                                |                          |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                      |               Hellbladi claimed all of this to be fake.              |                          |
|                      |        We partly invalidate his claim in the DEBUNKED Section        |                          |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                                            ___  ___ _  _  ___   ___  _                                                 |
|                                           / __|/ __| || |/ _ \ / _ \| |                                                |
|                                           \__ \ (__| __ | (_) | (_) | |__                                              |
|                                           |___/\___|_||_|\___/ \___/|____|                                             |
| Name: Baku Oxford School (We explain why this is an estimate in the DEBUNKED Section)                                  |
| Address: 108A Abbasgulu Abbaszadeh, Baku 1073, Azerbaijan                                                              |
|                                         ___  ___   ___ ___   _   _    ___                                              |
|                                        / __|/ _ \ / __|_ _| /_\ | |  / __|                                             |
|                                        \__ \ (_) | (__ | | / _ \| |__\__ \                                             |
|                                        |___/\___/ \___|___/_/ \_\____|___/                                             |
|                                                                                                                        |
|                                             INCLUDES ROBLOX ACCOUNTS                                                   |
| Aliases: Hell, Hellbladi, roboticaimhell                                                                               |
| Discord: hellbladi#9999 (954063384104554516)                                                                           |
| Youtube: @hellbladi9999 (https://www.youtube.com/@hellbladi9999)                                                       |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                      |                     ___  ___  ___ _    _____  __                     |                          |
|                      |                    | _ \/ _ \| _ ) |  / _ \ \/ /                     |                          |
|                      |                    |   / (_) | _ \ |_| (_) >  <                      |                          |
|                      |                    |_|_\\___/|___/____\___/_/\_\                     |                          |
|                      |                                                                      |                          |
|                      |                              MINI SECTION                            |                          |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                      |        spacerydah        85906733        https://rblx.name/85906733  |                          |
|                      |       H3LLBLADI       2637260231       https://rblx.name/2637260231  |                          |
|                      |        Lapuddle        44937175        https://rblx.name/44937175    |                          |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                                            ___ ___  ___ _____ _  _ ___ ___                                             |
|                                           | _ ) _ \/ _ \_   _| || | __| _ \                                            |
|                                           | _ \   / (_) || | | __ | _||   /                                            |
|                                           |___/_|_\\___/ |_| |_||_|___|_|_\                                            |
|                                                                                                                        |
|                                            BROTHER / COUSIN / FAMILY MEMBER                                            |
|                                             INCLUDES SOCIALS MINI SECTION                                              |
| First Name: Matin                                                                                                      |
| Last Name: Hamidli                                                                                                     |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                      |                   ___  ___   ___ ___   _   _    ___                  |                          |
|                      |                  / __|/ _ \ / __|_ _| /_\ | |  / __|                 |                          |
|                      |                  \__ \ (_) | (__ | | / _ \| |__\__ \                 |                          |
|                      |                  |___/\___/ \___|___/_/ \_\____|___/                 |                          |
|                      |                                                                      |                          |
|                      |                              MINI SECTION                            |                          |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                      | TikTok: @matin_hamidli (https://tiktok.com/@matin_hamidli)           |                          |
|                      | YouTube: @matinhamidli6998 (https://youtube.com/@matinhamidli6998)   |                          |
|                      | Facebook: @matin.hamidli (https://facebook.com/matin.hamidli)        |                          |
|                      | Instagram: @matin_hamidli (https://instagram.com/matin_hamidli)      |                          |
|                      ?======================================================================?                          |
|                                          ___  ___ ___ _   _ _  _ _  _____ ___                                          |
|                                         |   \| __| _ ) | | | \| | |/ / __|   \                                         |
|                                         | |) | _|| _ \ |_| | .` | ' <| _|| |) |                                        |
|                                         |___/|___|___/\___/|_|\_|_|\_\___|___/                                         |
|                                                                                                                        |
|                            PROVING WHY HELLBLADI'S CLAIMS THAT THE DOX IS FALSE ARE BULLSHIT                           |
|                                 EXPLANATIONS ON WHY PIECES OF INFORMATION ARE ESTIMATES                                |
|First Name: Hellbladi claimed this to be false yet blurred his name in the response video he posted to the original dox.|
| Last Name: This is an estimate because we got the last name from his brother's socials.                                |
| Age: Hellbladi claimed this to be false and we have no evidence to prove otherwise but his age is 15-16.               |
| Apartment: Hellbladi claimed this to be false but it is an estimate because we got it from the photo of his view.      |
| IP: Hellbladi claimed it to be false but the IP is in Baku and he went hush mode when I told him I grabbed his IP.     |
| School: The school is an estimation because it is the only school in Hellbladi's age range we could find in Baku.      |
| Brother: The BROTHER Section is about a family member of Hellbladi. We don't know if this is a brother or cousin.      |
|                                              ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___                                             |
|                                             / __| _ \ __|   \_ _|_   _/ __|                                            |
|                                            | (__|   / _|| |) | |  | | \__ \                                            |
|                                             \___|_|_\___|___/___| |_| |___/                                            |
|                                                    MAIN DOXXERS                                                        |
|                                                rival#1000, log#1000                                                    |
|                                                                                                                        |
|                                                   FULL CREDITS                                                         |
|                                                                                                                        |
| rade#0001: Gave original leads which helped find Hellbladi's location and is why this dox was created.                 |
| rival#1000: Created the original dox and found most of the information                                                 |
| log#1000: Helped improve the dox by finding phonenumber, screenshots and school.                                       |
| nursi#0002: Gave two of Hellbladi's feet pictures.                                                                     |
|                                   ___ _  _   _   _  _  ___ ___   _    ___   ___                                        |
|                                  / __| || | /_\ | \| |/ __| __| | |  / _ \ / __|                                       |
|                                 | (__| __ |/ _ \| .` | (_ | _|  | |_| (_) | (_ |                                       |
|                                  \___|_||_/_/ \_\_|\_|\___|___| |____\___/ \___|                                       |
|                                                                                                                        |
|  Friday December 16th - Added new links for snapchat and whatsappp screenshots.                                        |
|  Sunday December 18th - Added new links for apartment photo and added explanation on how we got Hellbladi's apartment. |
|  Monday December 19th - Added unverified phone number provided by logg#1000 (1043990918564413471).                     |
|  Wednesday December 21th - Remade entire dox, new theme and new sections.                                              |
|  Thursday December 22th - Added Hellbladi calling rival#1000 harmless but ducking to give airline for his flight.      |
| now.. for what you have all been waiting for.. THE HALL OF SCREENSHOTS                                                 |
|                  _  _   _   _    _       ___  ___   ___  ___ ___ ___ ___ _  _ ___ _  _  ___ _____ ___                  |
|                 | || | /_\ | |  | |     / _ \| __| / __|/ __| _ \ __| __| \| / __| || |/ _ \_   _/ __|                 |
|                 | __ |/ _ \| |__| |__  | (_) | _|  \__ \ (__|   / _|| _|| .` \__ \ __ | (_) || | \__ \                 |
|                 |_||_/_/ \_\____|____|  \___/|_|   |___/\___|_|_\___|___|_|\_|___/_||_|\___/ |_| |___/                 |
|                                                                                                                        |
| Hellbladi getting fucked by the nursi#0002 on snapchat: https://im.ge/i/dHrY4z | https://ibb.co/nwKb7NV                |
| Hellbladi getting heartbroken by nursi#0002 on whatsapp: https://im.ge/i/dHrHBD | https://ibb.co/9w2vcw6               |
| Full picture of Hellbladi's hot sexy face: https://im.ge/i/qoVvwp | https://ibb.co/8dsFWY2                             |
| Hellbladi taking off his shoes: https://im.ge/i/qXAaPY | https://ibb.co/99Hd6yr                                        |
| Hellbladi's face when he realizes he got exposed: https://im.ge/i/qXAVTK | https://ibb.co/Hn838kN                      |
| Hellbladi feet picture #1 provided by nursi#0002: https://im.ge/i/q1iJTG | https://ibb.co/92mv12j                      |
| Hellbladi feet picture #2 provided by nursi#0002: https://im.ge/i/q10XmF | https://ibb.co/SvRTH4g                      |
| Hellbladi's hot brother walking to their resturant: https://streamable.com/nvjvpn                                      |
| Hellbladi saying that he already has a lock script: https:/im.ge/i/q10v2D | https://ibb.co/GkvNvjn                     |
| Hellbladi saying he locks when he's bored: https://im.ge/i/q15CrC | https://ibb.co/brLTDxb                             |
| Hellbladi saying he has a script: https://im.ge/i/q19XQ9 | https://ibb.co/hB0k11s                                      |
| Hellbladi saying the dox is false: https://im.ge/i/q19mRc | https://ibb.co/sgr1GC0                                     |
| Hellbladi ducking #1: https://im.ge/i/q75mw1 | https://ibb.co/68yjrwJ                                                  |
| Hellbladi ducking #2: https://im.ge/i/q79Flf | https://ibb.co/g9H9VTC                                                  |