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                                         Table Of Contents

                                   0x01..... Victims Information
                                   0x02..... Family Information
                                   0x03..... Outro

 0x01 - Victims Information

    ☐ Full Details
        Helen Adams Keller
        Picture of Victim -> https://prnt.sc/ueq7zx
		Age: 87
		DOB: June 27, 1880
                Died: June 1, 1968
                College: Radcliffe College
		Born: Tuscumbia, Alabama
		Lived: Easton, Connecticut

    ☐ College
        College: Radcliffe College
    ☐ Socials
        Instagram: www.instagram.com/therealhelenkeller

 0x02 - Family Information

    ☐ Names
        Mother: Kate Keller
        Father: Arthur Keller
        Brother: Phillips Keller
        Brother: James Keller
        Brother: William Keller (Unfinished)
        Grandmother: Lucy Everett (Unfinished)
        Grandfather: Charles Adams (Unfinished)
        Sister: Mildred Keller (Unfinished)
    ☐ Full Names
        Mother: Kate Adams Keller
        Father: Arthur Henley Keller
        Brother: Phillips Brooks Keller
        Brother: James Keller
        Brother: William Simpson Keller
        Grandmother: Lucy Everett
        Grandfather: Charles William Adams
        Sister: Mildred Gertrude Keller

    ☐ Kate Keller
        Full Name: Kate Adams Keller
        Age: 65
        DOB: October 12, 1856
        Died: November 15, 1921
	Born: Arkansas
	Lived: Montgomery, AL
        Memorial ID: 83999026 
        Article: https://helenkellerfoundation.org/helen-keller/
    ☐ Arthur Keller
        Full Name: Arthur Henley Keller
        Age: 60
        DOB: February 5, 1836
        Died: August 29, 1896
	Born: Tuscumbia, Alabama
	Lived: Tuscumbia, Alabama
        Memorial ID: 154443193
        Article: https://www.newspapers.com/clip/29031214/obituary-arthur-henley-keller/
    ☐ Phillips Keller
        Full Name: Phillips Brooks Keller
        Age: 57
        DOB: December 13, 1835
        Died: January 23, 1893
	Born: Boston, Massachusetts
	Lived: Boston, Massachusetts
        Memorial ID: 112268525
        Article: https://www.afb.org/HelenKellerArchive?a=d&d=A-HK01-06-B108-F05-005.1.1
    ☐ James Keller
        Full Name: James Keller
        Age: 76
        DOB: June 27, 1900
        Died: February 7, 1977
	Born: Oakland, California
	Lived: New York, New York
        Memorial ID: 123164109
        Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Keller

 0x03 - Outro

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