how are you gonna get doxed by a 12 year old my nigger, keep trying to extort me female kmt who gassed these faggots

this dox took place during international women's day
  ___________ ___.__.      ____ |__| ____   ____   ___________ 
_/ ___\_  __ <   |  |     /    \|  |/ ___\ / ___\_/ __ \_  __ \
\  \___|  | \/\___  |    |   |  \  / /_/  > /_/  >  ___/|  | \/
 \___  >__|   / ____|    |___|  /__\___  /\___  / \___  >__|   
     \/       \/              \/  /_____//_____/      \/     


Alias:        https://www.roblox.com/users/120183/profile (grow the fuck up and play something good.)
Real Name:    Mia (Mannering / Manner.)
Address:      24 Stanley Street, Bingley BD16 4NH
Phone Number: +44 07826-242134
Age:          Lies about it too much, 15-17 no fucking clue.
BMI:          24.51
Height:       5'2
Weight:       Roughly 130 pounds.


Discord ID:  691419520832897104
Discord Tag: stargazing in atlanta#2011
Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/miamannering/
Twitter:     Not in use.
Facebook:    Not in use.
YouTube:     https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLjbM5BbkV0bYPq97Z-y67Q
Steam:       Not in use.
Spotify:     https://open.spotify.com/user/l1np6u7a8fsid632j4gqdyrec (pretty sure just used for connections.)




Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/melia.manner     [If they have changed their @, update in comments.]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melia_rose989/  [If they have changed their @, update in comments.]
YouTube:   N/A
Twitter:   Not in use.
Age:       39
BMI:       24.21
Height:    5'6
Weight:    Roughly 150 pounds.


Facebook:  ⚰️
Instagram: ⚰️
YouTube:   ⚰️
Twitter:   ⚰️



IP:       (Most likely changed.)
Country Code:      +44
Country:           England
City:              Bingley
Postal Code / zip: BD16 4NH
ISP:               BT
Continent:         Europe
Timezone:          GMT
Latitude:          53.8466  (53° 50′ 47.76″ N)
Longitude:         -1.8416  (1° 50′ 29.76″ W)
Postal Code:       BD16

you lost to a year 8 lucii fanboy