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/harming    /harming    /harming                                                                 


1) Disrespecting my religion (Islam)
2) Disprespecting God
3) High ego / calls everyone "poor"

/harming #11


Thank you Eldar Karaeski for this dox.
   **Eldar Karaeski has given me full permission to use this.**


  Thank you for your time in reading this paste.
Please make sure to join the discord server.
 kast #11




______                               _   _____       __                           _   _                 
| ___ \                             | | |_   _|     / _|                         | | (_)                
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/harming    /harming    /harming    /harming    /harming    /harming    /harming    /harming    /harming    

Full Name: Baran Çolak
Sex: Male
Birth Date: 29.09.2007
TC (Turkish identification number): 47158353398 (Thanks to Sahin Tekgoz#2646 for the information)
Country: Turkey
State: Dersim / İskenderun
Phone Number: +90 534 013 02 78

Discord Username: Siren Kafa#0008 / <@718526679407919165> (Discord ID)



___  ____              _ _                                  
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\_|  |_/_|___/\___\___|_|_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|\___/ \__,_|___/

/harming    /harming    /harming    /harming    /harming      


Picture of him: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1016724036153266286/1018066407616954368/283182032_1063370974617861_7226966978815331511_n.jpg


#11 is everywhere.  

quick dox 

- kast #11.

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