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/harming    /harming    /harming    /harming    /harming    /harming                                                               


Egotistical as well as a pedo. As she is pushing the age of 18, she is speaking to 14 year olds.


/harming #11


I will get her fedded if possible as well as make sure she isn't able to join any university, college, school etc.


  Thank you for your time in reading this paste.
Please make sure to join the discord server.
 kast #11




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/harming    /harming    /harming    /harming    /harming    /harming 

First Name: Elyssa
Surname: Michelle
Email: sweettigerlily@gmail.com
Number: +1 (862) 378-9103
Other Number: 518-424-9365
Country: New Jersey
Timezone: America/New_York
Carrier: N/A
Address: 188 Western Ave
City: Albany
Zip Code: NY 12203
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Date Of Birth: June 16th, 2005




#11 is everywhere.  

quick dox 

- kast #11.

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