   ║  ____  ____       _       _______     ____    ____  ________  _____  _____  _____      ║
   ║ |_   ||   _|     / \     |_   __ \   |_   \  /   _||_   __  ||_   _||_   _||_   _|     ║
   ║   | |__| |      / _ \      | |__) |    |   \/   |    | |_ \_|  | |    | |    | |       ║
   ║   |  __  |     / ___ \     |  __ /     | |\  /| |    |  _|     | '    ' |    | |   _   ║
   ║  _| |  | |_  _/ /   \ \_  _| |  \ \_  _| |_\/_| |_  _| |_       \ \__/ /    _| |__/ |  ║
   ║ |____||____||____| |____||____| |___||_____||_____||_____|       `.__.'    |________|  ║
   ╚═══════════════════════╗ ___    _____  _____  ___    ___     ╔══════════════════════════╝
	 	   	   ║ (  _`\ (  _  )(_   _)(  _`\ (  _`\  ║
			   ║ | (_(_)| (_) |  | |  | (_(_)| (_(_) ║
	 		   ║ |  _)  |  _  |  | |  |  _)_ `\__ \  ║
			   ║ | |    | | | |  | |  | (_( )( )_) | ║
			   ║ (_)    (_) (_)  (_)  (____/'`\____) ║

		    _  __ _  __ _     __    _  __   ___    __    _  _ \ /
		   |_)|_ |_|(_ / \|\|(_    / \|_     | |_||_    | \/ \ X 
		   | \|__| |__)\_/| |__)   \_/|      | | ||__   |_/\_// \
	           ║faggot fucking lying, cheating gf behind fates back ║

,;;;;;;;;'    (@)               ,',
;;;;;;;;')       \               ,
;;;;;;;;_}       _)            ',
;;;;;;'        _;_______________
`;;;;;        ;_.---------------' smoking that faggot pack oOoOoOoOoooo...
  `;;;         (
    `;.        )
		   _____  ______ _____   _____  ____  _   _          _      
		  |  __ \|  ____|  __ \ / ____|/ __ \| \ | |   /\   | |     
		  | |__) | |__  | |__) | (___ | |  | |  \| |  /  \  | |     
		  |  ___/|  __| |  _  / \___ \| |  | | . ` | / /\ \ | |     
		  | |    | |____| | \ \ ____) | |__| | |\  |/ ____ \| |____ 
		  |_|    |______|_|  \_\_____/ \____/|_| \_/_/    \_\______|

		║                   THIS CUNTS INFO                        ║
		║                                                          ║
		║ Name: Johanna Lee, Hanna ( nickname )                    ║
		║ Addy: 212 Oxford St Spindale, NC 28160                   ║
		║ Age : 16                                                 ║ 
		║ how many dicks sucked : 90                               ║
		║ known password(s) : zoozy123                             ║
		║ known alissas : sarvy, t0ybox, ria, and syuki, vrsia     ║
		║ Face pic(s) : [ https://i.ibb.co/tpGqSyv/i.jpg ,         ║
		║                 https://i.ibb.co/grsnbCF/u.jpg ,         ║
		║                 https://i.ibb.co/BPSY6fS/hanna.png ,     ║
		║                 https://i.ibb.co/gdvwkYH/1.jpg ]         ║
		║                                                          ║
		║ House info : [ Worth 79k, Year built : 1947,             ║
		║                Bedroooms : 2, Bathrooms : 2 ]            ║

			    ║           NUDES(nsfw)            ║
			    ║                                  ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/BT2YhvH/I1.jpg  ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/1TWpRZd/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/RHxsDFc/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/30M53vH/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/FxmtfwC/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/gMQSVnd/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/J2ZK6fG/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/3kJjvw0/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/ZKWzdKp/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/J7gmQHQ/1.jpg   ║ 
		            ║ https://i.ibb.co/Qk1DTjK/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/ngvcZzR/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/qWpxTt6/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/4VnkVWz/1.jpg   ║  
		            ║ https://i.ibb.co/d7Y7Jfn/1.jpg   ║
			    ║ https://i.ibb.co/L9SVz1D/1.jpg   ║

		║                          Family                          ║
		║                                                          ║
		║ Dad name : James Daniel Lee                              ║
		║ Dad age : 46                                             ║
		║ Dads phone : (828) 447-4639                              ║
		║ Dads possible relatives : [ Aadrianna Nichole Lee,       ║
		║     .-""""-.	              Brenda S Lee,                ║
		║    / -   -  \	              Brenda Ann Lee,              ║
		║   |  .-. .- |		      Bruce D Lee,                 ║
		║   |  \o| |o (               Cherie Annette Lee,          ║
		║   \     ^    \              Colby D Lee,                 ║
		║    '.  )--'  /              Harley M Bowen ]             ║
		║      '-...-'`                                            ║
		║                                                          ║
		║ Moms name : Olivia Hopper ( Olivia Ann Martin )          ║
		║ Moms age : 33 ( dads a pedo )                            ║
		║ Moms phone : (828) 748-4824                              ║
		║ Moms possible emails : [ short_n_sweet882003@yahoo.com   ║
		║			   oliviaannmartin@netscape.net    ║
		║                          poo_marie@hotmail.com           ║
		║                          oliviaannmartin@aol.com         ║
		║                          olivia.martin@earthlink.net ]   ║
		║ Moms database leaks : [                                  ║
		║      short_N_sweet882003@yahoo.com:loveshack7            ║
		║      short_n_sweet882003@yahoo.com:$1$j3FjXfnx$gcOEAOns  ║
		║      oliviaannmartin@netscape.net:password               ║ 
		║      oliviaannmartin@netscape.net:r2804321p ]            ║
		║                                                          ║
		║ Uncle name : Joe Daqueef                                 ║
		║ Uncle age : 89                                           ║
		║ Uncles face : https://i.ibb.co/yy43VGx/grggr.png         ║  
		║ Uncle aliase(s) : footballerfrank                        ║
		║ Uncle emails : [ Daqueefn3rd@aol.com                     ║
		║                  Queefmaster37@aol.com                   ║
		║                  JQueef37@yahoo.com                      ║
		║                  zaaaaaaqueef@yahoo.com                  ║
		║                  queefqueefjohn@yahoo.com ]              ║     
		║                                                          ║
		║ grandma (alive L)                                        ║
		║ grandpa (dead L)                                         ║
		║ mary sue (dead L)                                        ║
		║                                                          ║
		║ Morgan (i think shes 11 or 12)                           ║
		║ Morgan is her sister, She plays roblox and bloxburg      ║
		║ with hanna/joahanna or however youspell this sluts name  ║ 
		║ morgan was playing with my sister, and morgan is a bi-   ║
		║ faggot lesbian. so she deserves no rights. idc if shes12 ║
		║                                                          ║
		║ she also got 2 dead dogs LOL rip them niggas             ║

		║                   CHEATERS SOCIALS                       ║
		║                                                          ║
		║  snapchat: s_sarvyy  (whore snapscore)                   ║
		║  ig: hanitones (more whoreness xDXDxD)                   ║
		║  discord1: ria#6244                                      ║
		║  discord2: boobluvr#6282                                 ║
		║  roblox: vrsia (i have her pw selling it pull#9999)      ║ 
		║    thanks 2 fates btw                                    ║ 

		║                     SLUT ACTIVITIES                      ║
		║                                                          ║
		║             https://i.ibb.co/tJVcY5K/1.jpg               ║
		║             https://i.ibb.co/NVDdX8h/1.jpg               ║
		║             https://i.ibb.co/s18QJqb/1.jpg               ║
		║             https://i.ibb.co/p4jzpTY/1.png               ║
		║             https://i.ibb.co/TrdF0VD/1.jpg               ║
		║             https://i.ibb.co/qJRZGMS/1.jpg               ║
		║             https://i.ibb.co/kcHdC1c/1.jpg               ║
		║             https://i.ibb.co/sgwwXhT/1.png               ║

 ║                   0x002 (random message by fates)                                       ║
 ║     Hello cyber criminals! Hello cheating whore (if you're seeing this                  ║
 ║     I honestly hope your lying, cheating, manipulating ass rots in hell.                ║
 ║     I'm done protecting you and everything, you deserve nothing, you deserve to die.    ║
 ║     I hope people take advantage of this dox because you deserve to be fucking clowned  ║
 ║     I wish you jack shit in the future and I hope you rot alone and all of your family  ║
 ║     Members leave you for shit.                                                         ║