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Current Address:
3734 Rhoney Farm Rd
Vale NC 28168
Catawba County
Since December 2018

Prev Addresses:
1710 Poarch Rd
Lincolnton NC 28092
Lincoln County
Recorded January 2015

2183 Leonards Fork Church Rd
Crouse NC 28033
Lincoln County
Recorded April 2009
Home Phone: (828) 464-8300

3484 Horseshoe Bend Trl
Cherryville NC 28021
Lincoln County
Recorded June 2004

925 Della Ln
Newton NC 28658
Catawba County
Recorded November 1997
Home Phone: (828) 464-8300

925 E 1st St
Newton NC 28658
Catawba County
Recorded January 1988
Home Phone: (828) 464-0809

Po Box 3
Lincolnton NC 28093
Lincoln County
Recorded July 2001

927 E 1st St
Newton NC 28658
Catawba County
Recorded November 1994

927 Della Ln
Newton NC 28658
Catawba County
Recorded July 1999

Po Box 4
Lincolnton NC 28093
Lincoln County
Recorded December 1996

1610 N Rankin Ave
Newton NC 28658
Catawba County
Recorded December 1994

██████╗░██╗░░██╗░█████╗░███╗░░██╗███████╗  ███╗░░██╗██╗░░░██╗███╗░░░███╗██████╗░███████╗██████╗░░██████╗
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(828) 464-8300 (Primary Phone)
Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc dba Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph
First reported March 2001

(318) 332-5062
New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - GA
First reported April 2021

(318) 352-3223
Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc dba South Central Bell Telephone
First reported April 2021

(318) 354-1456
Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc dba South Central Bell Telephone
First reported April 2021

(318) 356-9060
Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc dba South Central Bell Telephone
First reported April 2021

(704) 842-0436
Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NC
First reported April 2021

(828) 465-1508
Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc dba Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph
First reported December 1992

(828) 464-0809
Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc dba Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph
First reported October 1999

(704) 732-6372
Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc dba Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph
First reported March 2016

(828) 466-8881
Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc dba Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph
First reported March 2016

Cynthia Johnson
Bobby Johnson
Cherilyn Johnson
Claude Johnson
Debra Oveal
Felicia Adams
Patsy Johnson
Terry Burgin
Theresa Johnson
Amber Johnson
Arielle Rashea Wilson
Arielle Wilson
Arielle Wilson
Avis Beam
Bernadette Johnson
Beverly Hart
Bobby Johnson
Brandy Oveal
Carla Wilson
Christopher Johnson
Christopher Johnson
Claude Johnson
Dakota Johnson
Danielle Oveal
Donald Ransom
Earline Johnson
Floyd Hart
Jamele Wilson
Jarid Oveal
Jeffrey Hart
Kenneth Johnson
Kimberly Burgin
Lois Hart
Michael Oveal
Randy Oveal
Scott Hart
Scott Wilson
Shaquille Wilson
Steven Johnson
Steven Johnson
Thomas Burgin
William Johnson
Willie Adams

Denette Huffman
3731 Rhoney Farm Rd
Vale NC 28168

Regina Goble
3742 Rhoney Farm Rd
Vale NC 28168

Tammy Dameron
(828) 514-6065
3719 Rhoney Farm Rd
Vale NC 28168

Steven Mceachin
3756 Rhoney Farm Rd
Vale NC 28168

Wesley Ledford
(704) 462-4972
3701 Rhoney Farm Rd
Vale NC 28168

Jared Lail
(704) 325-0761
3696 Rhoney Farm Rd
Vale NC 28168

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How old is Bobby Johnson?
Bobby Johnson is 54 years old.

Where does Bobby Johnson live currently?
Bobby Johnson's current address is 3734 Rhoney Farm Rd, Vale NC 28168. Bobby has lived there for about 3 years, since December of 2018.

Who is related to Bobby Johnson?
Bobby Johnson is likely related to the following people: Cynthia Johnson, Bobby Johnson, Cherilyn Johnson, Claude Johnson, Debra Oveal, Felicia Adams, Patsy Johnson, Terry Burgin, Theresa Johnson, Amber Johnson, Arielle Rashea Wilson

What is the best phone number for Bobby Johnson?
Bobby Johnson's latest phone number is a landline at (828) 464-8300.

Is Bobby Johnson alive today?
Yes! Bobby Johnson is living today.

Does Bobby Johnson go by any other names or aliases?
Bobby Johnson may also go by the following names or aliases: Bobby C Johnson, Bobby C Johnso, C Johnso Bobby, Cynthia Burnette, Bobby Carmen Johnson, Bobby Carman Johnson, Bobby C Johnson, Bobby C Johson

Who does Bobby Johnson associate with?
The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Bobby Johnson: Gladys Eaker, Bobby Whisnant, Henry Shook, Donald Mauldin, John Eaker, Tammy Lunsford, Della Shook, Joseph Broughton, Kaye Polk, Erwin Simmons

Where did Bobby Johnson live previously?
Bobby Johnson was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 1710 Poarch Rd, Lincolnton NC 28092 | 2183 Leonards Fork Church Rd, Crouse NC 28033 | 3484 Horseshoe Bend Trl, Cherryville NC 28021 | 925 Della Ln, Newton NC 28658 | 925 E 1st St, Newton NC 28658 | Po Box 3, Lincolnton NC 28093

What phone numbers have been used by Bobby Johnson?
Bobby Johnson has been registered with the following phone numbers: (828) 464-8300, (318) 332-5062, (318) 352-3223, (318) 354-1456, (318) 356-9060, (704) 842-0436, (828) 465-1508