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  ;       ;                       +:   ~~--  `:'  -'; - Greetz from Terminate/nightmare
                                   `:         : .::/  - G3t 0wn3d Sk1d
      ;                            ;;+_  :::. :..;;;  - Welcome to h0tRapid's dox
                                   ;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;,;  - More will come if he continues to shit talk ;)

       ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                            ----------------------------------------------
       ?                                                        ?                           ?                                              ? 
       ?                    Table Of Contents                   ?                           ?                                              ?           
       ?                                                        ?                           ?             ??????????????????               ?   
       ?            Chapter 0..........: Introduction           ?                           ?             ? REASON FOR DOX ?               ?
       ?            Chapter 1..........: Victims Information    ?                           ?             ??????????????????               ?                           
       ?            Chapter 2..........: Victims Social         ?                           ?   shittalking me and my friends and striking ?
       ?            Chapter 3..........: House                  ?                           ?         innocent ppl.                        ?     
       ?            Chapter 4..........: Outro                  ?                           ?                                              ?                           
       ?                                                        ?                           ?                                              ?
       ?                                                        ?                            ----------------------------------------------        
       ?                                                        ?                     
       ?                                                        ?                                                                        

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|  |   0wnag3 0f     |  |  |     |         |      |
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|  |                 |  |  |  // |(((( [33]|    ,"
|  `-----------------'  |," .;'| |((((     |  ,"
+-----------------------+  ;;   ||         |,"     -/Stay Mad And Try To Act Harmful\-
/_)______________(_/  //'   |    +---------+
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/ ==ooooooooooooooo==.o.  ooo= //   ,`\--{)B     ,"
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So there is this kid what is acting harmful and he thinks that he can do shit. He is biggest skid I've ever seen. And his arguments are that he fucked more girls
than you have seen in your life. HOW SAAAAAAAD

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- .:0x01 - Victims Info                                                                                     -
 Name: Josef Praštil
 His accounts for what he played: gucciXD, _EMTRIHEW_, _DAREOS_, makyn, DRAY_THE_PIMP, _Danik_101, wett_dreamz, 17POTTEDBYHEXEU,
 hcteams4life, Erik_SVK, _Danik_101
 Aliases: Rapid, h0tRapid
 Date of his Birth: 15.2.2003
 Skin Color: White af because he never goes outside 
 Age: 16
 His IP:
 Common Passwords: BabyApexayCanSuckMyDick
 Photo: https://prnt.sc/nz6g6x
 Hobby: Minecraft all day and gets bullied at school and eats mentos for lunch by himself lunch time on the furthest table at the back
 Email(s): vempayko@gmail.com, prastil@seznam.cz
 Phone Number: +420 776881187 ! (spam call him) !
 City: Plzeň
 Country: Czech Republic, 32100 CZ
 Address: Srpnová 64
 Post Code: 332 02

- .:0x02 - Victims Social Media                                                                             -
 Discord: h0tRapid#4066 
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002010105763
 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frajirek._/?hl=sk
 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Frajirek2
 Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbca3jNyfkrqQKyfuuPxR1g
                  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbca3jNyfkrqQKyfuuPxR1g  (It will be deleted s00n)

 Minecraft Accounts: https://sk.namemc.com/profile/h0tRapid.1

- .:Chapter 3 - Family Information                                                                          |

 Mother: Petra Praštilova
 Address: Czech Republic Plzeň, Srpnová 64 
 Photo: https://prnt.sc/nz6qnd
 His Dad: His dad is dead.. :(
 Photo of his dad and mum: https://prnt.sc/nz6qti
-  .:Chapter 4  - House                                                                                      -
 Picture: https://prnt.sc/nz6nq2 
 Bedrooms: 2
 Baths: 1
 Year built: 1500 (p00r)
 Worth: ~$25
- .:Chapter 6 - Outro                                                                                       -
 This skid has been 0wn3d he thought nothing would happen to him because he lives in the middle of nowhere but
 and if he will continue to talk shit, I will drop both of his parents social security numbers and leak a photo of him 
 faking everything what he ever said.
 Extra Photos of Him: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586843269762252800/586856805234245632/28945486_2136579919898084_1158687215_o.jpg

                 Th3 End :)

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