JITLER. AKA CARLO BALANE THIS GUY WAS SELLING CP ON A KIDS SERVER Carlo Balane Pasig Philippines carlolorenzbalane136@gmail.com 09152119604 August 12, 2023 RE: Warrant of Arrest - Carlo Balane Court Case Number: PH-8337AU-08122023 Criminal Offense: Pedophilia Dear Carlo Balane, I am writing to request the issuance of a warrant of arrest for the individual named Carlo Balane, in connection with a criminal offense. This request is made in accordance with the laws and regulations governing law enforcement procedures within Discord Justice Community. Based on the evidence gathered during the investigation, there is reasonable cause to believe that Carlo Balane committed the aforementioned criminal offense. The evidence includes photo and screenshot of you selling and distributingcp. Evidence: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1138813336490881026/1140151838075781231/Screenshot_20230813-131527.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1138813336490881026/1140151837815742564/Screenshot_20230813-131600.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1138813336490881026/1140151837484404797/Screenshot_20230813-131543.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1139560398371164280/1139924230239166485/JitlerPedo4.jpg?width=270&height=342 I respectfully request that you review this information and consider issuing a warrant of arrest for Carlo Balane. The pursuit and apprehension of the suspect are crucial to ensure the integrity of the legal process and to uphold public safety. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. future mugshot of carlo balane aka jitler https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1139560398371164280/1139916158506639430/Picsart_23-08-12_12-59-46-810.png?width=668&height=670 MORE INFO: https://pastebin.com/raw/xcY4gfXe