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   /  /    |  |  |  | |      /      >   <   |  |  |  | |  |
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 /________| \______/  | _| `._____/__/ \__\  \______/  |__|

This person loves to spread my mates penis pics around
She emotionally abuses innocent people
She thinks she’s all sweet but she isn’t
She’s 35 years old and sends explicit pics to 15 year olds

Here is the start of your dox JADE!!!

Full Name: Jade Craig
Age: 35 Years Old
Birthday: 18th June 1989
Location: Elgin, Moray, Scotland
Phone Number: 07720686838
IP Address:
Postal Code: IV30
Family Members: John Craig, Aileen Craig, Jed Craig, Connor Craig, Danny Craig
Instagram: xx_ador3d_xx
Xbox gamertags: xxsophxx5125
Facebook: Jade Craig
Snapchat: jadecraig24
Ethnicity: White

Hopefully you would’ve learnt your lesson by now

Next time don’t harass my mate
- Zurxui