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                  REASON:GROOMING A 12 YEAR OLD also talking shit thinking hes boss.
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[                                                                        ]
Age ● 17
Gender ● MALE
Date of Birth ● NOVEMEBER 8 2004
Social Media ● 
       DISCORD: 1wounds#3709
       INSTAGRAM: spn.mason https://www.instagram.com/spn.mason/
       TIKTOK: 1WOUNDS https://www.tiktok.com/@1wounds
Image  ●

House Address ● 111 Oakland Ave 
          CITY ¬ Sanford
          STATE ¬ FL
          ZIP ¬ 32773
More Info of the home ● 
          Bedrooms: 3
          Bathrooms: 2
          Full bathrooms: 2
          Exterior features: Cement / Concrete
         Lot size: 9,583 sqft
         Parcel number: 1420305010M000050
Phone number ● (407) 451-8819

]                                                            [
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]    YP  YP  YP  `Y88P'     YP    YP   YP Y88888P 88   YD    [
[                                                            ]
Name ● Sherri Castillo
Age ●  37
Sex ● Female
Date of Birth ● Sep 1984
Social Media ● 
Phone number ● 
      (407) 730-1211 - Wireless
      (407) 730-0446 - Wireless
      (407) 886-5807 - Landline
Old adresses  ● 
       7541 Solstice Cir #411
       Orlando, FL 32821

       8801 Latrec Ave #304
       Orlando, FL 32819

       1815 Fairview Shores Dr
       Orlando, FL 32804

Possible Relatives ● 
Anival Castillo, Anna Y Castillo, Betty Louise Miller, Brenda J Castillo, Brenda L Young, Carolyn F Butcher, Danielle Marie Miller, David B Miller, David Bryan Miller, Eric Castillo, Esther E Miller, Karen E Miller, Karen K Miller, Kitty Miller, Ofelia J Castillo, Paul W Miller, Roberta Miller Broder, Russell L Miller Jr, Samantha E Barbee, Samantha Miller, Victor H Castillo, Dessa L Miller, Joshua G Miller, Robyn R Miller, Shane E Miller

my discord:faded 66666 
this was already uploaded in a anoymonous acc that was mine but now im uploading it on my account.