IF YOU ARE A VICTIM MESSAGE @richsexyhacker on TELEGRAM | Post made by Anonymous

Alexander Jacob Turner or "slatt" is a worthless retard who manipulates women and underage girls to comitting sexual acts online and in person. He forces them 
to show their body and do things for him so he can promote their content online. He gains personal information on them such as their name, phone number, and
address then threatens to leak their nudes to their families if they don't do what he says. He is a predator and a pedophile who must be stopped. His
immediate family is aware of his actions and they are complicit in his crimes. Take action to stop children from being exploited sexually.


Name: Alexander Jacob Turner
Aliases: acid, alex, acid alex, acidalex, slatt
Age: 24
Phone: +1 (864) 678-0114
Address: 111 Brockman Dr Mauldin, SC 29662
IRLs: https://ibb.co/sQMHDhh
Screenshots: https://ibb.co/fn14QbV

Social Medias (Personal)
Discord: User: godwentsouth [ID: 1129247899688108134]
Instagram: @ownerbyacid

Social Medias (Godwentsoutuh extortion ring):
Discord: https://discord.gg/godwentsouth [ID: 1268702677643169875]
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thegodwentsouth
Twitter: https://x.com/godwentsouth
OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/godwentsouth
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/GodWentSouth
Throne: https://throne.com/godwentsouth
Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1G8NERP5BP8XI?ref
Other: buymeacoffee.com/godwentsouth

Dexter Turner
Dexter Turner Sr
Dexter Turner Jr
Gaynette Turner
Kathryn Pack
Loria Turner
Mary Turner
Matthew Turner
Chandler Turner
Ila Turner
Jenny Turner
Jodie Turner
Larry Turner
Lola Turner
Marilyn Turner
Theresa Turner

Relatives Phone Numbers
(864) 517-2733
(941) 812-1358
(941) 812-2135
(318) 518-8161 
(864) 252-4881
(828) 216-0861
(864) 921-7603
(207) 341-1805 
(864) 678-0781
(864) 243-3488
(864) 907-2718
(412) 287-2361 
(843) 267-2311
(903) 277-7920
(828) 384-0568
(864) 252-4881
(941) 920-6089
(813) 784-3527
(941) 920-6090
(941) 799-2028
(864) 906-0627
(864) 201-1673
(864) 901-0725
(864) 275-7231
(864) 313-7835
(864) 607-7794

Friends Phone Numbers
(941) 809-7489
(864) 884-2519
(864) 804-1738 
(864) 444-8048
(864) 884-1310
(864) 243-3488 
(864) 275-3906
(864) 444-7766
(215) 435-5841
(678) 933-6077 
(864) 680-7541
(864) 243-3488