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                                                                    1.: Reason  
                                                                    2.: Info
                                                                    3.: Social
                                                                    4.: Images
                                                                    5.: Notes
                                                                    6.: Videos
                                                                    7.: Credits      
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Envy Q Nigga



Weird ass nigga, cries about discord egirls and always
thinks hes something when hes a 15 year old boy that 
sits home all day and roleplays on discord



First Name: Alex George
Second Name: George
Year Group: 15
Country: USA
State: Georgia
Location: 1443 Bentley Woods Ln, Lithonia, GA 30058
IP Address:
Postcode: 30058
Phone: +14049016747
ISP: AT&T Corp


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Mothers name is Sophie  (40 years old)
Mothers Number: +14049020836

Fathers name is Anthony (54 years old)
Fathers Number: +17708995550 (mothers) (fathers)



Instagram: gmmyoxxski
Snapchat: realyoxxski
Discord: 1156967517231796244



random nigga on cord lol
fuck this nigga say hi to yo neighbours for me
kristin, bernadette, sharon nd christina


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,, doxxed by suspect nd givenchy (tokyo)
,, formated by givenchy (tokyo)