hii guys!! this is a first dox paste so itll be ass

so i have this ex that cheated on me and used me for my body soooo here

his name: Willmer Alexander Gutierrez 
his discord: Mordekaiser#4148
his face pics: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/974078474396512286/997942063557513388/20220716_150504.jpg
his phone number: +1 (646) 474-8848 please spam him fr <3
his address: 266 Riverdale avenue, brooklyn NY
bday: july 21 2007
pics of him admitting: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006077163247775824/1006085998284910622/8D22B342-30FB-4DA8-8486-23D6D58F2F94.jpg

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        GET DOXXED SKID !! :3
doxxed by censored#0001, credits 4 helping: codes.#6043, JaY#0999, ˚ʚ shiro ɞ˚#0009, ????????????????#8828